Penalties for deserter don't need to be harsh

Except every imbalance mentioned in the topic ?
Maps ? Modes ?

So where do we draw the line ? Arent the sniperlord9000’s quite selfish as other players have to carry theyr deadweight ?
What about the noobs that unlocked pre-merge some starter tank and due to having that in roster cant really do shit in high BR games ?
What about id even say majority of people that doesnt have a single engineer in theyr squad to properly assist team ?
Not to even mention the console players which could turn off the crossplay but doesnt, id rather have bots instead of them.

they make minimum of quarter if not more than half of all desertions. → thus significant chunk of desertion is directly correlated with map.

not really my experience. people desert when they dont stand a chance to take the first objective, or when enemy attackers just roflstomp first objective inside a minute. minority of all deserters actually desert in relatively balanced game.

i have played germany lately and have encountered lots of steamrolls. but that is my experience as solo player. yes, there are balanced games, but there are lots of steamrolls also.

imagine that, you also have selfish reason to punish deserters cause they spoil your game experience. they also have selfish reasons why their game experience is also ruined.


It’s my business when the issue directly affects how I play so I’d say it is my business when people are deserting in my matches. Nice try though.

And yes I’m aware, hence why I don’t care when I’m grinding these chore events.

Fun is over is becoming to personal