Pacific levels

Wow, going really early with the aircraft. Not even a P-40, let alone a Wildcat on the Allies side, and Japan doesn’t even get a Rafe, let alone something like the D4Y.

Kindof hoping there will be a follow up with later stuff? Though I do understand the balance behind this to some extent. So much untouched. Still, I do like what we have, especially the seaplanes.

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Me too, but it is understandable that they have to select unique weapon for pre-order squad.
By the way, Type 100 SMG with foldable stock was used by Naval paratroopers and army paratroopers didn’t use it, they used just Thompson and normal Type 100 SMG (probably late)

Yes the army one were called 挺進連隊 and Naval one was 空挺部隊. Well I know not well but a bit since I that my great-grandfather’s brother was at Early days of Teishin Shudan.

It’s not perfect, but I will take whatever inaccuracies will come of this for the sake of not fragmenting the playerbase further. Besides, the only weapons that currently does not fit the 1942/43 timeframe right now is the Type 5 rifle and rocket launcher, the So-Ki, the M2 flamethrowe and technically the M1918A1, as the Grease gun saw use in early Bougainville, the marines brought Johnsons to the Solomon campaigns after the acquisitions them from the shipment meant for the Dutch East Indies and the army followed the Marines ashore and they did bring Garands. Furthermore, Type Hei rifles and Type 2 SMGs where indeed used throughout the pacific, as instances of their captures occured on many occasions. There is less documentation on the Type Otsu, but it still is very well in the realm of possibility.

It’s an official extension.
Originally, it was 75 days. It is 105 days now.

If you like historical accuracy, this is not the correct game and hasn’t been for a while.
We have issues in every single campaign, that were put in place because artistic liberty had to be taken to get the game in a playable state and somewhat balanced for both sides. Plus they have to make unique things that we are willing to pay for to monetize it.

They had no choice with Japan because their Arms industry was no where close to the European combatants or the US.

So long as they make it as equal of a playing field as they can, it should be fine.


Does katana occupy the main weapon field or a melee weapon?

Inaccuracies were quite small to say the least. Maybe a gun that was a few months early.

Now its just years.

The game is advertised as historical. Doeasnt have to be fully has to be somewhat.

I want to play WW2 authentic shooter

Not BF5 - aka prototype and 0 accuracy heaven

Is this going to be in game?


Probably soonᵀᴹ

Is a mine, so is not in the weapon tech tree

I would not personally call what they did with weapons in this game small.
But maybe that is just me.

This game takes a lot of Artistic liberty in all campaigns.

And they obviously decided that to balance it correctly in the pacific, there weapon selection was justified.

The good thing is, if it bothers you that much you have 5 other campaigns to play.

I am sure most of us are happy enough to deal with it and get stuck in in the pacific.

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I don’t know the exact structure of the upcoming campaign(s) but I’m sure they will continie to grow and expand over time with more weapons, equipment, vehicles, etc. Hope to see some of the lesser known Japanese equipment one day

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I understand what you’re saying, but lets be honest even with a little liberties taken here and there Enlisted is still miles better as an immersive historical WW2 shooter sandbox than Battlefield V


Oh I thought he meant the LVT-1 Lmao.

Will there be multiple Pacific campaigns that focus on a particular battle, operation, etc like the core campaigns, or is this campaign featuring the entire Pacific Theatre over time?

the lvt-1 is a troop transport available on the map and the other with the pack

I think this is the same campaign for the Pacific for maps and equipment

well, rather I want to see army’s aircraft like Type 1 fighter, Type 3 fighter, Type 98 light bomber, Type 99 attacker, Type 99 twin light bomber etc., not naval aircraft like Type 1 ground-based torpedo bomber.

But in ground, I want to see more and more good weapons, too

I could maybe understand why they would want to make the Pacific Theatre a single campaign…if that’s what it will truly be once its released and we see for ourselves…but I wonder how future campaigns will be.

I personally like the current campaign system. I imagine we’d get Market Garden, Battle of the Bulge, Sicily, Italy, more Eastern Front operations, etc