P51 D5 is worst tier III plane

Japan’s paper automatic weapons*
Fixed it for ya

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I would like to have more german planes that can actually do this… Like the IAR, Fiat and FW-d12

The overheating is a-historical. The plane has an insane radiator, yet we cannot use it in this game and Meredith effect to offset drag. None exist here.

In fact, most USA planes have insane air cooling via radiators that we cannot use. Yet in WT you can easily.

Also cannot adjust convergence on any guns, wing guns are horrible here.


yea there is struggle when you are doing strafing run with p51 and you just seen your enemy fighter doing same…now .first guy who will turn his plane can win the fight… and bcoz p51 is shit ,

its better to hit flaps rather than wings…but … accurate shots at flaps is very hard… i always shoot at those hit markers

i am talking about japanese plane a5m4 with two 7.7 mg

you should always focus on your back , and check kill feed, while going back to resupply

in this situation, if i have p51 and enemy is fighter like IAR,bf 109 …ik i am dead

speed doest matters

p38 is better than p51,dauntless and any other plane in tier 1-3… it has rockets which can kill any tank with accurate shots except some japanese tanks
good maneuverability,
20 mm cannons YEAH

well if you chasing a bomber or escaping from aa or crazy guys with at rifles it matters


bro 570 of IAR speed is ok

There is your problem. Playing only with planes? What are you doing

i am bored with tanks, planes are fun

M8 Rockets Can’t Fight Tigers
This is why everyone chooses P51D and Pirates (?)

T20 was never used, m2 carbine wasnt used in europe, fg 42 was extremely rare and only issued to paratroopers, avs 36 and avt 40 were shit quality and would break if fired in full auto, fedorov was definitely not used in berlin, as 44 was just an prototype etc

I think all nations have gotten their fair share of fantasy stuff

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Well Japanese got too many fantasy things, such as ho ri that never existed. Also according to an article, avs break downs were more due to lack of training on the soldiers part. More trained Soviet soldiers loved the avs,(not a history buff, may be wrong)


That is true. I personally think that japan should have only been br 1-3 but the devs had other plans. Now it is too late to change anything

I havent researched the topic that much so you could be right here but atleast according to wikipedia the gun was impractical in full auto

“Once in service, it quickly became apparent that the AVS was not a satisfactory design; the operating mechanism was overcomplicated, and the problem was made worse by the rifle’s construction which let dirt get inside the weapon. The rifle was also particular about ammunition quality. The muzzle brake design proved to be quite successful, as the rifle had very little overall climb, however its intense recoil impulse still meant the rifle was impractical in automatic fire.”

AVS-36 - Wikipedia

Again i might be wrong

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Pretty much haha. That’s like 80%+ of the scenarios.

I have had some pretty intense dogfights in the BF109 and Mustang in BR II. I prefer the Mustang’s canons, but BF109 feels more lively and agile, and I like the 4 bombs vs 2 in the Mustang. Climb rate on the Mustang after bombing is a problem, especially if you get used to something like the 109.

The Mustang can also get taken out by a couple of 9mm rounds from an MP40 haha. Paper armor.

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not that much haha, may be 20% if you keep your eye on back and killfeed


mustang doesnt have cannons,:}


i think every plane has paper armor except some heavy fighters like bf 110 or p38

At least all of our stuff was built, functional, and tested. No blue print, pieces, nor chunk of wood

Go back in time and tell em to build more like that


You mean the Corsair?

And where are the flaps on? On the wings.

If you look straight and you see the enemy plane fron advance and you still decide to straf you deserved to die and vice versa.

And? At BR1 and 2 most Allied planes do not have armor so I do not know how much blame can be put on the plane. If you can ez snipe the flaps, you might as well aim for the pilot.

And? Still get killed depending on enemy speed. You can also turn around each second to check but then you will take forever to resupply and dying is more efficient at this point.
Kill feed also only helps to some extent if you have ammo.

Lol Just ez snipe flaps.

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Doesnt change anything. If we want to use the historically accurate card we should look into everyones arsenal and not just 1

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