P51 D5 is worst tier III plane

later models like the P-51D, is historically considered one of the best fighter aircraft of World War II
P-51D was known for its speed, maneuverability, and high-altitude performance. With its powerful Packard V-1650 Merlin engine, it could reach speeds of around 440 mph (708 km/h)
But in game , i think it is worst plane i ever flied…

  1. Two 500 lb bombs ( bombing is hard btw, due to bad climrate strafing run sometimes result crash)

Cons :
1.You cant throttle to hit 100% speed, otherwise it starts overheating

2.Six 12.7mm M2 Browning machine with 200 ammo is shit, taking down an enemy with these guns is a challenge.

3.Maneuverability, or the lack of it. With a turn time of 18 seconds . the P-51D-5 is more of a sitting duck than a nimble predator. Its slow turn time makes it easy prey for faster, more agile opponents, and once you’re outmaneuvered, it’s game over.

  1. If the P-51D-5 takes a few hits? Forget about it. This plane becomes practically handicapped once it’s damaged.

  2. Most important : it has a poor climb rate compared to other planes in the game, this can be a major disadvantage.,a slow climb rate means you can be easily outmaneuvered by enemy fighters

Japanese fighters are worse.

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Skill issue.
Im flying P51 D5 on BR5 just fine.


I would say DF has missed the mark on a lot of WW2’s weapons.

I’m pretty sure he deserves this rank
At least he fits my different views on camp advantages

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japanes fighter are best, they r most maneverable, if u talking about bombs yea

no skill issue, i play with planes only , and i am getting more kills in p38 then p51

And what are those views?

hello there, a pilot main here, P51Ds is not the worst plane US has, its actually one of the best if not the best next to the P47, its very strong against the Zero and can outmaneuver them unless they are using their flaps, wich in most cases they don’t do that, its more the matter of who shoots first

my current pilot lineup is as followed
P51C-10 (Premium)

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no its not, …only if i get his tail…

That is why you always have to have the altitude advantage if you ever want to stand a chance. Remember, you are flying an energy fighter, so use that to your advantage.


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Japanese planes are always at disadvantage because they start from the carrier which results in worse speed.
Only Army planes start in air and afaik there are only like two or three of them in high BR.
Also, they have real paper armor.

Pretty much this. Right tool for the right job. Mustang is pretty decent. Very good payload, lots of ammunition, fast. Gotta work the vertical…no flat turns

if you want to turn fight (especially with zeros) you are in the wrong plane…your best bet is the spitfire. (and even then the zero is better)

there is certainly worse…try flying fw 190s


i dont think plane armor matters, one two hits in flaps could make any plane handicapped, already said japanese have maneveribility so i am always on your tail…

carrier fighters are best in comparison to those planes which starts from air… after dogfight my plane can be repaired… and wht u gonna do with ur handicapped plane

giphy (6)

that plane is overall better than every br3 and most br 4/5 planes.
calling it bad/underpowered is absolutely wrong.

i tried out most planes in the game, especially the ger vs ami matchups and on BR 5 there is nothing easier than shooting down every enemy pilot you see and bombing kingtigers with the p51


but let me add something. The P-51 Mustang is equipped with 12.7mm M2 Browning machine guns, while the FW 190 has 20mm cannons. This means that in a dogfight with the P-51, I’ll need to fire a lot more rounds to take down an enemy plane. On the other hand, with the FW 190, just a few hits from the 20mm cannons can deal significant damage to the enemy, making it much harder for them to maneuver or evade. So, while flying the P-51 in a dogfight, I’ll have to spend more time shooting, giving the enemy more chances to turn or maneuver. But in the FW 190, I can quickly inflict heavy damage, reducing the need for extensive maneuvering on my part

Have you ever tried fw 190? That thing flies like a brick in comparision to p51.

Also it doesnt have bombs unlike p51


The 190 doesn’t “dog fight”. you either get the jump, or you get the head on…if you dont get either of these things (or you miss) you are done against any fighter. P-51 can dogfight half the fighters it sees.

also while 20mm cannons are certainly nicer, nothing wrong with 50s. in my experience. even 7mm gets it done


why do i need dogfight when my 20 mm can cripple planes making them handicapped, they cant repair
and talking about 7mm bro :melting_face:
it take 1000 bullet to shoot down enemy plane.