P51 D5 is worst tier III plane

It’s not a turn fighter, it’s an “energy fighter”
You turn you’re dead. End of story

All American planes are made of paper. 1 cannon shot and your plane is gone
As for the climb rate, yes the Mustang is a big, HEAVY airframe so it struggles to get up into the air. However, it’s also one of the fastest of the war. Fly straight and you’ll literally outrun them as if a dogfight was a drag race. That’s bout all you can do

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lots of practice. No qualms taking 7mm mgs vs t5 planes for fun.

It’s easy to say ‘just fly straight,’ but when the reality hits, it’s a whole different story. and honestly, I’ve never experienced such a situation where the enemy’s speed alone helped them get away from a dogfight

nah dude i had lot of experience with this shit… once i saw my enemy its dead


i think america vs japanese is also in game


who do you fight with ?, BIPLANE or STUKA or some console guy :melting_face:

yea , 500 lb = 227 kg == any tank near 20 m= BOOM :sunglasses:
but p51 is too fast with worst climb rate so chances of crash in starfing run is high…

btw i am talking about air battles :slightly_smiling_face:

its bad very bad ,very very bad ,worst engine, worst turn time, but good bomb

enough for today ,bye guys :expressionless:

If it were not for special T5 aircraft such as the P-47-D-28 and Tempest, I think it would be the most viable fighter of choice.

Why do you struggle so much with planes but at the same time can easily two-hit the stupid wings?


Actual air “battles” in Enlisted:

  • Enemy spawns while you fly back to resupply and kicks your ass.
  • You and the enemy plane face each other frontally.
  • Same as above but it is Attacker and Fighter Pilots.

nonsense, p51 is enough to make the worst day possible to tanks and planes, at least you have a decent plane germans in br 3 Dont have a figther plane with 500lb bomb and most of them are just copy pasted planes so stop complaining : ) ( this in the case of figther not bomber BF110 are just perfection)

i dont get it bro, germans have tier 1 plane with 500 llb + two 100 lb bombs with two 20 mm cannons

Cof coff the plane is slow as hell and a paper plane, also you have the sbd dauntless is not enough for you?

but i am not talking about cas, i am talking about air superiorty

Soviet submachine gun
american rocket
German Tiger tanks, fighter jets and machine guns
Japan’s late automatic weapons

ok so why not move the fiat g55 to br 2 too ; ) 100kg bombs can balance the 500lb

500 lb = 250 kg

20mm Cannon
12.5mm MG
top speed 660km
100kg x2
turn time 15sec

12mm browing
500lb bombs
top speed 700
turn time 18

so fiat g55 should be a decent counter ; ) specialy in turn time and fire power
so move both to br 2 is a very good idea :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: because actual german br 2 have very good bomber planes but no figther so considering that p51 is in br 2 fiat should be there too : )

right dude :+1:

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Cool. Did not know there are jet planes in the game.

What I show here is (fighter)
As long as it’s close to the meaning

America, rocking multirole aircraft before it was cool. Lol