P51 D5 is worst tier III plane

I only use P51D and P38
Not sure what the name of that plane is

For me, this is definitely the worst BR3 plane.


Yeah, tier 2 dauntless do better job than this shit

F4U Vought Corsair is the one with the inverted gull wings and 8 HVAR’s


Are you joking? That’s possibly the best BR3 fighter plane in all factions. For USSR, you still have to use BR2 P40, Germany, BR1 IAR, Japan BR2 Zero

Best among level 3?
Maybe this is because everything below level 3 is garbage.

To be honest
I have played hundreds of games of Germany, Japan and the United States
In 99% of games, the initial performance of US military aircraft is the worst (level 1 and 2, excluding SBD and P38)

doesnt make sense bruh,

If P-57 is in Tier 1-3 battles then it would be easily outmatched by planes like the Zero and IAR. Conversely, if it’s placed in BR III-IV battles, it would struggle against planes like the Fiat and KI.

Eh, the P51 has 50 cals. They call the German 15mm a cannon and it’s just slightly larger. Tomato tomato. I shoot down planes MUCH faster with the four 50 cals on the P51 BR II than I do the “cannon” on the BR II 109.

You’re not hitting it right. The “leading indicator” is bait and lagging, usually enough to only barely scratch the rearmost parts of planes…where thr .50 cals do nothing. If you learn to lead right and shoot at an angle most enemy planes get turned into fuel sprinkler fireballs after a short burst. Or you just dome the pilot or cut the plane in half

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Probably yes, since he is a Chinese player, and that is what the Corsair translates into in Chinese

Yeah it’s French for privateer

Might be personal preference, but I dislike the B5N2 more since I do like having some sort of forward facing guns.

dauntless is the best, 1000 pound bomb kills kt easily. Bring it to br 5

Nah just bring in the F-82 with center mounted dual 2000lb bombs

bye guys, i have some health issues . …i cant play enllisted from now… it is one of the best game i have ever played, hats off to devs… best ww2 f2p shooter…

Dang. Mental health preventing you from playing a game. That sucks