OUTLISTED: Fighting against forbidden modifications

I did, the people there never told me what I did wrong. I tried to ask if/what application was running that got me banned but they told me they couldn’t say. Well, I’m probably never gonna play any Ubisoft games again even if I get unbanned because of poor customer service and BS anti-cheat. They take too long to respond even if you ask on business days+never give a good response.

Enlisted is the better game anyway.

Would also like to add that it was a VAC ban. So 90% of Hell Let Loose servers I can play but the other 10% I can’t because of R6S being the only game on my VAC ban history. But HLL is the only game that has a problem with VAC bans it seems like so its not too terrible.

Yeah Enlisted doesn’t really have a cheating problem, even though its F2P which I love. I’ve never seen anyone cheat in any of my games but to be fair I don’t watch replays. The only time I’ve suspected someone of cheating was when there was the stretched soldiers bug and I didn’t know it was a bug.

Although I did see a clip of someone 100% cheating on the subreddit.

Then send me the replay, timestamp and player name, and i’'ll look into it…


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I was suggesting that you PM’d me.

Naming and shaming is against the rules in the forum.

So, I’m gonna delete your post. I hope you understand. :slight_smile:

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no problem im fine if that player gets a ban : )


No problem, comrade. We must send all hackers to Enlisted Gulag permanently.


I just hope that people don’t start using this report system to get people falsely banned. There is that less offensive for you?

They will surely get to meet Reznov and Mason in Vorkuta.

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Haha, really cool reference! What game is that from again?

I never have, and I never will. I only report cheaters. I am sure the devs review footage to make sure they are cheating or not, too.

COD Black Ops 1

I’m not joking; send them to Enlisted gulag. Every time they try to play Enlisted, they have to play a Gulag version where all they can do is work on a Gulag map made by the devs.


Good riddence!

Wait, only 160 ‘‘outlisted’’? In my experience, cheaters are common, not to say majority of course, far from me. But all it need is one or two to ruin a match. In this game, I’ve encountered a lot of aimbot and wall hack users, with all the other things that comes with using this. I been watching replays here, they have recoiless, no animation for throwaways weapons(grenades and alike) and reduce reload speed.

This is why I cannot progress in the rank system, win 1 where the match is fair, lose 3 because of cheaters…

The admin need to DO MORE on banning cheaters…

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Welcome to the community.

The best thing to do is to report suspected cheaters with the tools provided. Either bring up the scoreboard, press ALT and right-click the player and report, or wait until the game ends and find the replay on the main site. You can click the ! icon to report there.

Alternatively. PM a moderator here with the timestamp of the replay, and the player name, and they’ll look into it for you and pass on the details to the devs if required.

Also, bear in mind that the replay function isn’t perfect. You WILL see strange things like lack of recoil, and weird animations from time-to-time. Just because you see that happen in the replay doesn’t necessarily prove a cheat.

There are AI “players” both to replace human ones, and the members of your squad. They can be incredibly dumb sometimes, but also incredibly accurate in their shots. So it’s worth keeping that in mind. Also, some splash damage from tanks and bombs can penetrate buildings and walls, which can seem like wallhacking.

Please be assured that the devs take cheating very seriously, and penalise such players where appropriate.

Thank you for the welcome, and the information.

Thank you also for taking cheating into consideration, I invested money in this ‘‘free to play’’ game. Some significant amount to show that I support games like this.

Granted I am far from being the best as FPS type, and will never be, also admitting some are truly awesome at this kind of game.

But there is some very suspicious thing happening around here, while many are reporting in this forum and elsewhere that that have seen very few cheaters, I have a different experience.

The rank system is neat, so when it reset, when in 24 hours you see someone with a very high rank, it is suspicious. When you see, at the end of a battle, that the average of players have 60K and then that top one with 135 and 5 achievements, let it be said that is not normal…

I been watching some replays, focusing on a player, and yes it may be inaccurate, but watching the player targeting and hitting with a machine gun on players one cannot see on the screen, this is obvious it’s a cheater. And it’s not fun to lose battles like this.

I been trying some things to see if there is cheaters, like sitting in bushes and dying to incredible accuracy, and getting K one hit by machine gun, flanking hard(out of reach) and getting trashed. Being 200 meters behind with my tank, getting one shot. Having my squad drilled when truly out of sight in house of bunker. After close to one year of playing, I don’t know if I want to stay… Honest match are real fun, meeting cheater is devastating.

At this point, if I could find a way to be admin myself, that would be more fun to seek and ban cheaters than play…

I was so excited to see these bastards banned. I had to go to the forum to reply to celebrate.
Back then, I pre-ordered Battlefield 5 at full price, but I only played it for a month before I was pissed off by the cheats.
Good to see cheaters banned

They always were banned, it’s just that it’s more publicised now. :slight_smile:

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not just 160, there are more, but we cant fill all the table whit 2020 cheaters, it just the most recent cheaters as i know

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Do you honestly think that the game’s staff do nothing when suspected cheaters are reported?

I take pride in my tiny role within this game, and I’m a volunteer, as most of the mods here are too. I’ll always review a report, if presented to me. And I know the other mods and the devs do also. We can only fight cheaters retrospectively, through the reporting system.

You need to remember that ALL online games have their share of cheaters. Some companies, like Rockstar and EA, will write off an element of hacking/cheating just because they have such a large playerbase, and it doesn’t affect their sales… I’ve found that DF are very much trying their best to inhibit such hacks, but they are a small dev base compared to the AAA games out there.

Use the tools the devs give you to report suspected cheaters, and together we can make Enlisted a better place.

erm… hate to be bringer of bad news, but replays are bugged and you cant trust recoil, destroyable objects, vehicle POV or throwing animations(and maybe few other things).

there are simply too many mechanisms that are already legally in game that are technically cheats:

  • console players have aim assist
  • bots have aimbot, so if you aggro them enough they will shoot you from other side of the map
  • when taking damage you get marker showing enemy direction
  • when last man dies you get kill cam from where enemy killed you
  • you can mark vehicles and it will show you exactly where they are
  • you can spam spot tank from 2000+m when flying plane
  • tanks have indicator for penetration, so hiding in bush with wont help
  • you get hit registration that can be abused as legal WH

well you will not find any multiplayer game without cheaters. what i can tell you is that i have encountered almost no cheaters while playing this game. people vastly overestimate number of cheaters cause they dont know game mechanisms. i should be slightly above average player in terms of mechanical skill, but i am constantly top scoring in vast majority of the games. so either cheaters suck so much that cheats dont help them, or there arent many cheaters in the game.