OUTLISTED: Fighting against forbidden modifications

What if a player survives lethal damage because of faulty hit registration (which happens a few times every battle, as of September 2024)?

Is there a tool for developers to verify that a real hack, and not a server bug, caused the soldier’s invincibility? Or will the innocent be banned for encountering bugs? We wouldn’t want that


The NKVD event just appeared. That means that “Very Very Soon™” means “before the night comes”, am I right?
Then, “Very Soon™” might be “in a matter of days”
and “Soon™” is “in a matter of weeks”.(hopefully, not months)
Trying to decipher the scale here.


It’s just crappy server hit reg it happens way too often for me as a tanker and it’s pissing me off.

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don’t judge someone by their name. chances are he was making the name as a cover-up and he probably was hacking

giphy (12)


You forgot “quite soon”.

Hmm. So “quite soon” might mean “weeks”, and “Soon” would be more like “months” then.
If we decipher it well enough, we can communicate better with some kind-spirited community managers without consequences for their NDA. :smirk: :smirk: :smirk:


And then there’s “devs are aware of it” which basically means something between 1 - 3 years.


Don’t you mean: “1 - undetermined” years?


Yes, that’s exactly what I have meant. :pinched_fingers::100:

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The problem I have with permanent bans is that if you are false banned, it is irreversible. I spent maybe a bit less than $100 on skins and other items on Rainbow Six Siege, and I got banned for cheating and I still don’t know what I actually did wrong.

I even made a topic on steam and people said that even plugging in a vape into your computer (no I don’t vape) could cause a ban on the game so I’m worried that I might get false banned on Enlisted from having a weird application open that isn’t particularly a cheat software.

I feel like a 1 or 2 year ban for cheating is the most reasonable. Cheaters are not willing to wait that long, but dedicated players will. Then if they get banned again, then a permanent ban is reasonable.

If anything, serial cheaters will just shrug, open a new fresh account and start cheating again, regardless of the length of the ban.

A dedicated player, if unjustly locked out of the game for several months or more, is most likely going to become just a lost player.


you can always appeal the ban if you think you were unjustly banned. there is usually difference between anti cheat ban cause of sus software on your computer and human reviewed aimbot/wh.

Remember, the reporting system simply allows players to highlight and report a player suspected of foul or inappropriate play.

There is still a human element, whether it’s a moderator here on the forums (I always review a replay reported to me), or the devs themselves, suspected players all get reviewed individually. The devs will take action if required, and apply penalties to that player that they feel necessary, be it a temporary or permanent ban.


Thank you soooooo much for doing this!!!

Tbh, I’ve never thought cheating is somewhat prominent in Enlisted. I’ve encountered maybe 3-5 suspicious players for period of 2 years that I have been playing this game.
And since you can simply desert any match withoit basically any penalty whatsoever, I never see it as an serious problem.

On other hand I have very bad experiences with flagging/reporting.
So I definitely do not feel very secure about this anti cheater feature. Even though I am very sure I have never used any cheats or third party software. I just have very high distrust in human element here.

But whatever.

I agree with much of this. Cheating isn’t nearly as prominent as some players may feel. It’s probably more about not understanding how the game works. I see a lot of people complaining about one-hit bots etc.

I can only review the - pretty terrible - replay system, so anything I flag as suspicious I forward to a dev.

But the devs have all the tools in their arsenal, and are way more informed when it comes to that.

I guess we just have to trust their judgement ultimately. But then, it is their game after all.


What cheating ? :sleeping:

I play since September 2022 and I have encountered only one real hacker.

In other games very often I have seen people running across the map with a speed of light.

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89 players banned in 6 months out of million+ players shows severity of cheating in enlisted…
btw just 925k players played enlisted in last month


So when are you going to fix the ineffectiveness of rifle grenade and impact grenade attacks and the ineffectiveness of 110G2 37 armor-piercing projectiles?
Their problem is almost 1 year old
But no official action was taken

I only see officials constantly weakening various equipment, terrain or mechanisms that have tactical value or increase challenge.

Then the official ignored the poor team configuration of the ability ratio of 3+7 or 1+9 for 9 months.
Causes serious players to become parasite hosts

I hope that the official will not only listen to the tears and prejudices of people who refuse to think and ideological discriminators to weaken the freedom and challenge of the game.