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It wasn’t really a complaint, just an personal observation / question over longer period of time.

Lately added TT / event stuff is certainly pushing this direction. You only need to look at high br pacific which has relatively recently gone to full auto battle rifle vs full auto battle rifle, with instant air spawning attackers* and now rocket arty on top.

Now we have the stinger. This means 200rd mg42 eventually plus soviet and jap experimental guns too. What next?

Air spawn thing is probably first thing on the list of “infantry is not so fun”

Since people have been asking about economic and balance changes so i will ask about adjusting old premium/event squads to be on par with the new squads, and addition of a new class to counter AP mine spamming strategy:

.:Issue number 1:.

Since Paratroopers have 6 troopers it’s not fair for old premium squads that only have 5 troopers. Please consider adding one additional trooper for each of those premiums.


Ofc there are squads with just 4 crewman, they should get two additional troopers or one additional slot if they can now equip Engineer.

.:Issue number 2:.

Event APC/UC also needs to match squad count of the premium and free APC truck.

I don’t think that 251/9 should be at BR3 unless it gets a heat shells since current APHE shell has pitiful penetration.

.:Issue number 3:.

Since right now players can plant 6-9 mines all around their rally, favourite camping spot and objective i would suggest to add a new class that would serve as a perfect counter to the minesweeper mains.

That class could detect and defuse mines remotely and then rearm or pick them up and use as their own. If you get close to the mines they would appear more visible like engineer buildings with your toolbox.
They would also come with a new new sticky AT grenades to take down the low BR vehicles, you wouldn’t need to be holding your demo pack for 4 seconds and risking it all since you would be throwing and forgetting about that nade as soon as it leaves your hand, they would be devastating and more safer option at taking lightly armored vehicles especially while they are driving away.

And something stronger than the silly demo pack - a bundle of AT nades, it would be able to be thrown much further away and have stronger penetration values than current demo pack.


Minesweepers in active combat…feels a bit clunky to have a metal detector during a firefight, no?


Still better than getting blown to pieces, they could make it more casual with being only a single press to activate it in a radius to see those mines.

The problem with issue 1 is that most of those premiums you listed trade in manpower for firepower. The MG42 early squad has 5 MGs instead of 3 and an engineer with an MG. So 5 is definitely a fine number. However with older premiums they need to add an engineer with the same primary weapon and benefits rather than us having to equip our own engineer. Paratroopers are different because they have more risk and are situational. Therefore they should have 6 soldiers.


Maybe make it part of the AT mans skill set and rename AT soilders bombers or demolition soilders.


You’re right, that is a dumb idea. Easier method would be to allow engineers to see and spot mines for teammates. Maybe even let them defuse.


I think it makes more sense that an engineer would defuse a bomb rather than an AT soilder.


Disagree since you can land somewhere safer and still have insane firepower with one additional trooper and on top of it you can pick different loadout from the box. Remember you have more AT launchers as a paratrooper than the actual AT gunner squad plus you can carry multiple AT mines. You will get much quicker to the point with the paratroopers even tho if you land 60m away from it while ordinary squads like those premiums i just showed sometimes need to run for over 150m if there is not a single rally. Also remember you can spawn on the land with the paratroopers but you won’t have the box.

Idk, what you do with your Engineers, to have time, to sweep for mines?
Just get used to AP mines far out, as long as there’s task/achivement like this is going to happen
Assume everywhere is mined, send bot, if it upsets you, that yo died to a AP mine.

If you land somewhere safer then what’s the point in spawning in the plane at all? And no they don’t get insane firepower because they have to choose between weapons in certain situations. What about the M1A1 Carbine squad? Does that squad have insane firepower? You’re only focused on that one Thompson squad.

Tell me you’re playing paratroopers wrong without telling me you’re playing then wrong.

Your posts only shows lack of imagination as a player you seem to only want to land on the enemy point and gets surprised that you just died and your 6 man squad is a 3 man squad that in a next second will turn into a dead squad. You spawn inside a plane to pick whatever spot you want, thanks to the plane you will get to your spot of choice much quicker than on the foot and safer than driving APC or a bike. Do you really need to choose? What about M1A1 Carbine squad? Let’s look at that:

Does this look like they need to sacrifice anything? They can pick a gear at BR2 that is significantly more powerful than their counterparts. Same with Bren paratroopers and Japanese event paratroopers. I was only focusing on the Thompson squad because it’s a paid squad and it’s superior to other premium squads like Assaulters, MG gunners and other classes that are at the disadvantage with just 5 troopers. There are no reason to use STG45 or AS-44 premium squads if i can use paratroopers or free assaulter squads or AR engineers with 6x AR.
I’m using paratroopers as intended, as a high powered flankers that can be used against infantry and tanks, plus as sneaky engineers that can put a ninja rally point or even a nasty snipers.

Give the other soldiers in your normal squad selective rifles and you already have better firepower and maybe even two engineers for better manpowet.
Plus Assaulter squads from SG and Pacific can have six actual Autos if you include Gunner and Medic in the squads.

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Yes, you can do that. TT squads are meant to be better than premiums anyway. Premium squad engineers are also better too.

That’s not how I use paratroopers, unlike you I know how and when to use them. I also know how to effectively counter them (sometimes before they can even hit the ground) thus making them ineffective and not overpowered as you claim they are.

Regular premium squads don’t need an extra soldier otherwise they will be better than TT squads and become pay to win.

@MajorMcDonalds Please explain the difference between frontline and battlefield before we can ask a proper question? Is battlefield=new map and frontline=new campaign or faction?

Will you consider community input for what must be included in 'in-game tutorials"? Can we have an open submission for this?

Major’s YT channel kaput?


There will be a new one for 3 years, yes.



  • can you answer how accurate is current replay in regards to showing actual situation ingame?
    we currently know that it is buggy as hell and that it doesnt show zoom properly, throwing grenades, POV of vehicles and destroyed objects are shown intact.
  • is recoil shown in replay actually 1:1 representation of recoil in actual game? or do you have some input compression and you cant actually trust recoil in replay?
  • do you have any plans to fix replay bugs in near future?