Our Roadmap

These look like positive changes. Please don’t force a way to screw them up. Steam release would be a good boost to player count. Hopefully you’ll find better anti-cheat software though, because right now the number of Chinese hackers is obnoxious.

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Could you please consider to add additional marks for more then only two years of daily rewards achieves?



Tactial reload = when you magazine is not fully empty, but you reload.

belt fed mg 42 is needed and firerate should be increased, like new m2 stinger


Somi KP31 should be reduced to BR4, its performance is only about the same as PPD40DZS, I paid for KP31, but in BR5 it is very bad, can be said to be useless

i aint taking this KP31 slander cause it decent but sure if it drop to br4 like russian smg then that would benefit me even more

Does the “free steam release” imply native linux support too?

My suggestion for when they add clans is to allow clan alliances. so 2 or more clans can form an alliance, and also maybe an option to mark specific clans as enemies of your clan. already know who I’m making enemies of my clan, U45 and EVA.

they mentioned planned steam deck support (on first steam release) and that implies proton support and that implies linux support.

Yeah, but I was asking about native support since their game engine supports linux

i dont see them supporting linux natively cause it just introduces support for negligible amount of users. iirc one dev from another game said they dropped linux support cause they had something like 50% of total bugs reported for 1% affected users.

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Well what’s not taken into the equation is linux users are more likely to report bugs
Take by example Rings Of Saturn on steam; 38% of bug reports were from linux users, and only 3 of the 40 they reported were platform specific
They’re just used to fixing issues

Besides, as I said the game engine already supports it so I don’t believe support linux is that much of a hassle.

It would maybe be a good idea to keep them at lower BRs (I and maybe II) and then remove them at higher ones when people get the hang of it. I don’t think it’s that difficult to aim and it would be more fun if you could actually dogfight because right now you just die immediately if someone gets a shot and they don’t even have to put in any effort.

STG45 is way worse than Suomi KP31 at least you have amazing rof and a lot of ammo while STG45 has none of those.
But both should drop in BR that’s for sure and at same time STG45 with mkb42 should get a buff. Both are just sitting in my inventory waiting for some kind of change
Speaking of changes Panzerwerfer 42, MP18, MP 35/I and VMP gold order weapon should go down in BR too.


That would be better overall.

Separate Italy from Germany so then you’d have to grind way less. Or at least make it a sub tree inside of Germany as they do in War Thunder.
And generally, the MG42 definitely needs some rework.
More ammo, and a faster fire rate would be better. At least 100 rounds or 150 maximum.


OK, I’ll just throw mine here, even if they have already been asked by someone:

What’s the general vision around the tech tree / event interaction as a means of bringing in more content into the game? Is it planned that unique event / premium functionality will eventually become researchable?

With new soft BR matching, the BR of equipment makes more of a difference. At the same time, there’s a lot of imbalance in the content distribution (for instance, most of the ussr weaponry is in brs 4-5) as well as redundant research (Allied thompson 30rd variants) - are you planning to do a more thorough and bigger revision of current equipment brs and foldering?

Is there a plan to revisit old classes like motorcycle squads to make them more useful and add them also to ussr / japan?

BR changing is extremely tiresome right now. Are you planning to implement a way to save equipment presets on squad level - if no, why?


They should add more Italian vehicles and port Hungarian vehicles from WT.
Bulgarian tanks would also be cool at BR1-2 like Skoda vz 35, Vickers E, R35, H39, their Police units used Chauchat, Lewis gun and few other MGs like wz. 1928 which we already have as a premium. We also could get 44M Tas at BR4, P40 at BR2 and P43 at BR3 (or BR4) plus new Semovertes.






I’ll throw in a bonus question:

From my perspective over time, the added equipment and functionality has increased the Michael Bay-scale of the game. More and bigger explosions, the firefights just become faster, deadlier with much higher volumes of fire. How do you see the development here and when do you think the weapon power creep will plateau? How do you keep playing infantry fun with increasing deadliness on higher BRs?


Complete disillusion.
Majority of newly added TT stuff definitely do not belong to this category.

But I understand that powercreepers always focus on the OP stuff which then completely overshadows everything else.

Funny thing is, this is the exact type of people who want to make nearly everything stronger by lowering its BR for the sake of it. Mediocrity equals trash, that’s their perspective.

And if anything, the thing you have just described is exactly what those people truly seek.

The funny thing is that many of them then blame their bad performance in the game on some imaginary spam. Yes, they want to use meta stuff. But to confront other people who use meta stuff too? No! That’s spam, and it needs to be stopped!