Option to bring "elite" BR+1 squad

well, no.

the idea is to get enough silver to upgrade the current weapons, and then switch over with those newly acquired weapons.

whether we like it or not… that’s kinda how it worked for 3 years.

except, an advantage given to a newbie won’t be really the same in the hand of experienced / seal clubbers.

so… you’re agreeing with me here.

or at least, see the point.


but. better than shoveling them down at their throats.

at least… my opinion.

not ideal. i know.
but enlisted is not really the ideal world… made by ideal people.


Mp38 and mp40 have the same tier but sure they gonna get two different BR

Lest say 4.2 and 4.7

The next axis smg would be 5.3 for example, and you can equip in your elite squad the mp40 who have at full star same performance of the mp38

So not a win

Allies and japanese would have the same problem and russian would be hard locked by half of their smg because all of them are to dispersed


sorry to say it, but it’s a shitty way of thinking:

( maybe i’m getting it wrong and lost in translation )

because giving both the options to "seal club " doesn’t address nor really improve the situation about differences.

you’re just pouring gasoline on the fire.

“It was bad so let’s continue because it was always like this” won’t improve anything.

You are talking about a difference in skill. To solve it we would need a skill based match making.
I don’t get why ppl expect equipment based balance systems to solve issues of skill difference.

Imo far worse.
I can’t use the gun I have because I will be uptiered and when I get uptiered (and it IWLL happen) I have nothing better to fight with. I see only negatives.

I was thinking about full BRs (eventually 0.5 BRs).
So if I have my squads BR 4.0-4.9 I can equip one BR 5.0-5.9 squad.

Otherweise the diference is too meaningless as you say.

it won’t make it worse either though.

it does come of as that.

but no. that’s a separate issue.

because the idea of the merge is to play on a plain level field ( or that’s the idea… )

to avoid m5s against tigers, and normal shenanigans we have been used to.

i think it’s just something different.

somewhat incentivize to iron out your stuff and then switch br.

which… it’s somewhat different than being seal clubbered by elites while still trying to iron out the br.
( even though, latter brs will be just that )

But we dont get full BR so if you want really propose this idea you need think in how solve the BR issue


You can simply propose a way for all player to get in game an universal slot and after they decide what put in it

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With this approach, humanity wouldn’t get out of the stone age.

If everybody has one BR+1 squad, then everybody has equal chances.

Or say “I grinded a lot to unlock this gun and now I need to grind even more to play it, F this, uninstal”

This makes 0 sense.
So being sealclubed due to match making (about which I can do nothing about) is ok, but being sealclubed because of a mechanic I can also use is bad?

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I don’t get it.
We don’t get full BRs, so what? BR1 and BR2 are as much of BR+1 as BR4.3 and BR5.3.

i’m fairly sure the example of not touching the fire allowed for the same humanity to survive long enough to not exinct. and essentially not just indulge into idiocy.

which you then have the issue of not… really being that impactfull.

you’d be almost better off proceeding to the next br with your stuff already ironed out.


this is the free to play model they went with.

you can’t change that the core existance of how it’s setted up.

which it’s somewhat the price to pay for being a free to play accessible for everyone.


if the cons outweight the befits…

P.s before you’ll pull up the magic buzzwords:

" you’re just bias "

" you don’t like it because you would abuse it "

or… whatever.

no. i don’t mind it. i’m crazy on my own to stack odds against me so.
i don’t think i would use it to begin with. but at the same time i could use it for special units and what not ( mainly for cosmetic reasons ).

makes me 0 difference.

i’m just explaining the counter argument of why it can be potentially a bad idea… or why it might not change anytime soon.

1± br level there is not a sufficient difference for equip something for an “elite squad”… it would be better let player add one or two gun from the next tier in one of their squad or in this “elite squad”

Depends on how those BRs will look like. I guess we need to wait and see.

Also in case it’s not impactfull we can always make it BR+2 or BR+10.

At this point why dont back @Valkay proposal directly

Being sealclubbed with a chance to fight back is better than being sealclubbed without a chance to fight back.

As such I concider the discussion to be over won by me.


try me

although, i feel like giving no chance to seal club would be better.

thank you for bringing it to their attention

Impossible. Uptiering will always happen.

which we should fix that instead.

( if… even possible )

again, i feel like the tier it self should become the br.

opens for more variety, less surprises, and seems fairly balanced.

and hard lock it.

so you don’t get putted up against other people of the newer tier.

  1. I made my post 2h ago and he made his 30min ago. I’ve been sitting here all the time since then so I had no chance to see his post. I’m not DF, I don’t have a time machine.

  2. His idea directly benefits vets.
    If I’m BR1 and I take two BR2 weapons I just unlocked, why should I face a dude with two BR5 weapons?

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yeah i was about to say…

his idea is not entirely different from this one.

shares the exact same problems we have been discussing

shame on you.

i swear…
the youth these days…

attention spam of a dead cricket

( jk )

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