you were sent to berlin map with br 1 . This make sense. You can use weapons from 1930’s in 1945.
Then you bring a stg44 squad. Also make sense since its berlin
you are at tunisia, everyone has br 2 . Then you bring mg 45 squad.
We have a time traveler here
We have exactly 0 info about how the soft HA rule will work so for now I can’t really make any suggestions regarding it. We need to wait for more info.
This whole thing started because i started a thread about matchmaking variety, the threat of “mirror matches” with a strict “best equpped weapon/vehicle = your BR, nothing else matters” and retaining the capability to use mixed loadouts or just the new weapon you just unlocked (or bought with a gold order) and not have most of your equpment be suddenly obsolete. (and screwing you over in the process wanting to use that gun) Instead, those mixed loadouts can play at a lower BR, where they will face squads that one time they are better equpped to, but next respawn they will be the underdog.
(because they haven’t bought enough of the high tier weapons to advance a full tier, and why should they struggle (or never use the thing…) grinding in order to buy 10 more?)
Starting post gor all of this:
My latest idea about weighted average BR calculating:
(below some replys…)
It started as an idea to not screw over people that just unlocked something higher BR that their current squads have and dont want to be forced to fight at that BR with just a few of them, while the majority of their equpment are essentialy obstlete,(even worse in a cqc map) and to not end up with a strict matchmaker ending us up to the following meta:
one BR bracket = M1 Garands vs Gewehr 43 spam
sec. BR bracket: StG 44 vs Fedorov spam
Anyone wants this ^^^ meta???
Skill based matchmaking anyone???
that’s how alot of first person shooters are balanced, and they also have similar weapon/playstyle variations.
Theaters have time periods that they need to enforce in order to be historicaly accurate. BUT, tiers/BR’s mean nothing in regards to historical accuracy.
if you care so much about historical accuracy represented with BR’s,
where is the tier 1 Thompsons??? Aren’t they a late 1910’s weapon???
Fedorov Avtomat, another weapon from that era…
The opposite with the M3 Greasegun and especially with stuff like the MP 3008
and other last ditch 1944/45 german weapons that are comparable or even worse than the basic/WW1 equpment of the allies… Looking at you: Kar98k Kriegsmodell
being sealclubbed by elites because you unlocked a better weapon IS THE ISSUE HERE!
Why that has to be nessecary?? “iron out your stuff…” soo, grind to unlock a good weapon, but i need to grind even more to buy 10 of them cuz if i equp only 1 or 2 i will get sealclubbed by the high level guys… Great…
Yep, this whole discussion is about NOT screwing over players that started grinding high level stuff and/or be able to (generally) use a gold order or two and not be crushed in top tier against assault rifle spam while they carry onlu 1 or 2 weapons worthy of that tier…
but i suspect you exchanged the word of veterans with elites.
because elites are about the suggestion.
elites or not.
if you go in full uptiers with barely grinded or finished to grind the weapons / vehicles of the previous/s brs you’re just asking to making it for your self much difficult.
that’s why you first iron things out so you have at least somewhat of a chance and weapons that can somewhat complete instead of going blind with no effs given.
It would be pretty useless feature since most people that just got to the next BR would only have a 1-3 crappy unupgraded guns and troopers.
If you want this feature to be any useful then it should automatically upgrade guns and troops for duration of the match to the max or almost max star level so you won’t die instantly since your “elite” squad going to spawn with single smg and three troopers with crappy Mosins.
It would be a good idea to make game less p2w where you pay to get power with premium squads that instantly give you max lvl guns and 4 star troopers.
Brother I´m as relaxed as could be, I just got the second Paratrooper squad and the Welgun is bussin´. Your comments´ vibe just rubbed me the wrong way y´know.
a single high level squad can properly played, especially vehicles, stay alive for the whole game and ruin the balance completely. BR mixing is generally a very bad idea
While that might sound okay in theory, that is in effect giving everyone 1/3rd of their standard rotation an improved squad. And this could really throw a wrench in BRs that are one step below a big power jump.