
oh yeah that’s the one good thing about the mp28, it’s actually controllable which is far more important than ammo in a mag or ROF


leaderbords dont even update how i m gonna know my progress lol.

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It’s like a training smg! It’s actually a good thing players start with those, so they can “learn to shoot” first. Imagine your first smg ever is a ppsh41 with drum: BRRRRRR “why would I need to aim! Huh huh huh!!!”

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is true :laughing: thanks to the ppd now I have no problem using the BerettaM18, thanks for your training ppd

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I just had you carry one of my matches XD

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yeah I see it update for other people but not me soo I am not gonna bother.

oh did i? xD didnt noticed :smiley:

good to know we both won :stuck_out_tongue:
12 now xd

ill be hard to get to 1st pos. had some looses so :expressionless: no 1st place for me here :smiley:

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Not only that, all the submachine guns of the Allies are better than those of the Axis. Tunisia feels like a reversed Normandy. In Normandy, almost everything in the U.S. Army is worse than the German Army, while in Tunisia, almost everything in the Axis is worse than the Allied Forces, even really all.I think this event is too bad, I don’t like qualifying, and if qualifying must be held, I hope it will be held in relatively more balanced Moscow and Berlin, rather than this terrible Tunisia.

Anyway, I hope that nothing gameplay-worthy will be ever given as a reward in such events.

I’d hate to see fun/exclusive content (not just cosmetic) only awarded to few and excluding the most.

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All right… But the allies have Keofox.

At least til we get a leaderboard on ps5 give us a link on your official website.

I enjoy Tunisia, now I got my panther and mp43 I wanted to play again, but wow, talk about straight losses as axis, do they ever win???

Also hope points are not just kills, I mean engineers, laying smoke also has to be considered even if it’s just saving the team.

I refuse to play axis, I know they are the winning team!

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Axis seem to lose all the time
The Tank looking in wrong direction bug is back on Tunisia!
Until we get level high enough for bombers, tanks win, sitting too far back to kill.

More to come…

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if you are talking about SMGs only then you’re wrong since the trend for axis smgs is that they are controllable and will have alot of ammo in the mag but won’t fire as fast and won’t “hit as hard” still a 2 shot for both
ok BAs: allies will have more ammo in the magazine and shoots fast but do take longer to reload and don’t have bayonets on all but 2 of them while the axis BAs have bayonets on all but the Kar98k.
Aircrafts? no both are equal here.
for tanks the axis has a large head start because APHE shells with the m14/41 having good HE damage.
maybe semi’s is where axis has a disadvantage? eh still equal there as well
ok ok lmgs? nope still relatively equal
so that leaves only the AT weapons in the definitive allied victory.

so a tl;dr it’s literally a skills issue that is causing the unbalance, it was the same in normandy as well with axis getting stomped by the allies due to them having terrible players

Obviously, in the indoor environment of Tunisia, the Thompsons of the Allied forces have a better space to play, or that the Sten is obviously better than the axial submachine gun. Tunisia is the world of submachine guns. Allied forces also have a powerful M3 grant. As for bolting rifles and machine guns, I think they are almost the same.
But you are right. Poor Axis experience is also related to poor player level.I don’t quite understand that the requirement for ranking matches is to reach level 15. But why do my teammates use bolt-action rifles? Are they AI?


that i don’t know but i wouldn’t be suprised if they were or weren’t bots

I have played 6 games in this damn ranking match. I have only won one game, because I have not practiced allies so I can only play this damn axis. I think I should give up that weapon silver card, and I never want to play the damn Tunisian Axis anymore. :upside_down_face:


So far, playing this event has provided me mainly three things:

  • A strong feeling of inferiority/inadequacy,
  • A feeling of irrelevance in the matches,
  • And official statistics proving so.

Therefore, thanks, but I’m out.


so compare this stats,

to this ones:

the more rounds i play the less rank i have x)

briliant. a single round is enough to be first on a event. wtf xD

this is so badly made lol

someone explain me why number 8 is in that spot with worst stats. lol

the fuck is this LOL

played another match, lost

i m 91 now. with even high % of win rate. GG
what the hell? XD


thanks for an event no one asked for but what people have been asking for is Normandy balance fg42 counter nerf planes since u un nerfed them

so level 3 players vs fully equipped ally players ? lol
just played one match , they already had first 3 point by the time i spawned
what joke