
Heroes are born in battle and the battles in Enlisted are enough for you to show everyone your skills and find fame in our community of fighters.

Today we start the first testing competition, presenting a new regular game operations system with a scoreboard and special rewards for the most deserving. Amongst the rewards will be those that everyone around you will see!


These events start periodically and can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. As part of the operation, participants will fight through familiar missions and modes, and all the successes and failures in the battles of an operation will be reflected in the position occupied in the constantly updating scoreboard.

At the end of the operation, the names of the heroes will be placed at the top of the scoreboard.

In addition to the usual battle rules, there might be additional limits in operations: for example, only the most experienced players that have reached a specific minimum campaign level can take part in operations.


Heroes not only deserve rewards, but fame as well! You’ll easily recognize the winners of an operation even amongst the army of Enlisted fighters!

Nickname decorations

Let your victims know who’s winning! Your nickname decorations will appear in the kill-log and in the battle results, making you the centre of attention for everyone in a battle. You’ve earned it!

Unique player portraits

This avatar will replace your default fighter icon in the battle results and will be displayed in your profile - another new feature in future updates.

Your profile

Along with the new honorary rewards in your profile you’ll find other achievements, Enlisted battle stats, available posters and boosters. You’ll be able to see your progress from the beginning of the Enlisted OBT!

In the future we will also add the ability to view other players’ profiles.


From October 19th (13:00 UTC) until October 21 (16:00 UTC) take part in the first testing operation “Sandstorm”, fight in Destruction missions of the Battle of Tunisia campaign and take the top spots on the scoreboard. 3rd level of campaign for selected army is required to participate.

We will reward each participant in the test operation with silver orders. More valuable awards mentioned above will appear in future competitions.


As long as these highly competitive events run separately from normal matches, that’s good.

Also, it will be useful to know how much the sheer amount of matches played will affect the scoreboard. Will players inevitably fall to the bottom unless playing 24/7 for the whole event?

Furthemore: if there’s a ranking, then it should be clarified WHAT is rewarded. So far, it looks like mindless brawls inside cap points are more rewarded than tactics that actually win battles (flanking, building useful rally points, pushing to take out a tank etc.)


it should be like this, they will use the score at the end of the battle to create the ranking, basically we should play like koreans to stay on top :rofl: .

besides having played competitive on other fps i am sure that a losing battle will become a party of toxicity in chath, i keep myself out of it


Well, there goes the initial idea of not having competetive matches.

At least it is separated as voluntary event.


I already taste the good feeling when toxic tryharders will be biting each other in the event, while I will be playing my ordinary campaigns farming bots in full relax.

RIP non-toxic players looking for competition, though.


I hope this isn’t the new way to acquire silver orders in the first place.


Cool. Now fix the FW 190


Imagine if that would the case :clown_face:
Hopefully not…

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Hell yeah!
Bring it on I m more than ready for it!.

Remember in another game I played way more competitive, I had banners with esl and or tournament wins was always fun on public matches to play against common players showing them​:joy::joy:.

I m sure I ill fight for them

It seems the biggest scums will have a place to play with others of their kind.
Maybe finally we will have some normal matches without bunnyhopping, dropshotting etc in regular lobbies.


so only the heroes get so see battle stats/progress or for all player just like battle history?

Wonder if acctually any competetive axis players will show up, or it will be your casual Tunis tourist trip as allies

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Ah yes the good old FOMO. Working two weeks straight. Don’t have time for this event.

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Some interesting gameplay after most or all your troops are lvl 5 would have been more useful :confused:


i thought enlisted was not meant to be a competitive game

( just like we have been told, and what has been written in the promotional/site pages :upside_down_face: )


which brings more questions than others.

so for the entire time, y’all have been working behind a competitive mode, that to be honest, not many players can play it ( since it’s locked to a certain campaign level ) and, we get shiny names and portraits?

who… asked them?

for a beta, portraits and stuff are the least thing to think about now.

but that’s just my opinion…

which i thought, the main point of not having one since the beginning was to avoid elitism for " stats " and toxicity that only comes from it.


I mean, I guess it’s a test for a reason?
If it flops, then they haven’t wasted much time on it.

I’m not a competitive player, but I would like to see if this mode means that people actually play objectives.

It was also meant to have bots. Later lone fighters got added.
It was also meant to be realistic. Later animations got unnaturally fast.
It was also meant to be historicall. Later Jumbo and FG42 got added.

I guess you see the pattern here.


i guess you’re right…

not really?

priorities my doot.

someone somewhere still haven’t figured those out

Bruh. Why Tunis in the first place?