
@Keofox pls let the Statistical results show how many times they had break link from games .
so many player will rob and hold tanks and planes at the beginning of the game.because tanks or planes can get a better Statistical results.
and high-grade players will more accuse the new guys that new player always use and keep using the Initial vehicle for better result .high-grade players will much more angry for the new guys prevent high-grade players use high-grade tank or plane.
if some players didn’t get tank or plane ,they will waste 1mins time of the beginning of the game(plane can be use at 60s.),this Inaction in the 1minute can make their team to inferiority,but this player didn’t get tank or plane,they will break link from this game and go for another game to fight for the use of power of tank or plane ,with no punishment(0xp * 70%=0xp)
and more player will be sniper around or keep long with the Important location ,that they aslo want to get a better K/D result
and more Cheater will coming…

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Will you make it infantry-only will you be able to balance the results if players keep the vehicle slot for themselves?

the best way (greeitngs from harbin city) to implement player statcards is basing the K/D ratio on classes i.e how many players you have slaughtered with the gunnery class vs how many players have silenced your machinegunner
this funtions for all classes,troonper,aggravated assaulter,camper,pilto,tankie


And differentiating how many players killed/killed by with a separate stat for bots killed/killed by

Come on, we both know thats a statistic your government keeps internal and hidden


you keep your sexuality internal and hidden but i still know about it white boy


I dont mind seeing stats, that’s ok. But for how long you will be basically dropping things out of the blue like this? Academy is gone with no warning, now you have an event during the middle of the week. What’s next? And those “awards” are underwhelming to say the least, though at least you can get silver orders that way (makes you wonder how many will it be? 1 or 2?).

I’m going to ignore this, because I don’t want to play Tunisia.


Sadly me too.
And most likely will skip further events too bcs they will be in Tunis.

Good luck those who will play and test theese things.

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I agree that the game can be more competitive than now, since there is nothing more attractive in Enlisted: the picture is beautiful, but empty - weapons and uniforms do not correspond to historical periods, the interface is not the most logical, the grind is terrible, endgame is zero, game modes are ten years ago , no statistics, no artillery, matches are too fast (as in cs).

A good idea is what makes the game replayable. And Enlisted needs it.

This event is about adding statistics in game I think.

will see about that…

DO NOT make Enlisted a competetive game!
My friends and I only joined because it was NOT like that.
Please reconsider this, or you WILL lose players.
(and gain a shitload of cheaters making even more players leave)

There’s already a shitload


or we using european server and not play with asian cheather.

cheaters are everywhere,regardless of server
if ithey have money and means,they will cheat
it is merely insect nature

it is true that there are cheather everywhere but except for the NA server at night (in my time zone) which fills up with “too many good players”, in the other servers at any time of the day I have never met any except one that was also talked about on the forum, so I would say more that it is a problem of a single server than of the whole game

Yeah then we’re playing with Central and Eastern European cheaters

I have never seen them on the European server, in my free days I also play enlisted for 7 hours, but I have never met them during the day (except the one we talked about in the forum

This disappoints me immensely. Things like this just breed toxicity.