Operation “Winter Fantasy”

Failed its tests and was never produced or adopted.

Pretty disappointed with this. The tasks are time consuming, even for a sweaty whale like me, and it’s dropping during the holidays. Believe it or not, some of us travel to visit friends and family during this time and don’t have access to our PC/Console.

In order to get the two squads I’m going to have to do all 5 tasks each set of days because I will be out of town. I have no chance to get the gold weapon order. Really appreciate it.


At least I can easily acquire the German squad without too much effort.

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I tried playing when the merge first released, i lost 3 matches in a row to sweaty Garman players and i gave up, now i just play high tier germany so i literally dont really have to try, i can just relax and win

It’s too hard,not all people have so many time to finish it. Especially for the people who have a job.


Remember it’s fantasy. And we were talking about fantasy a few hours ago.

Missed last year’s new year event, looks like will be missing this one as well, because surprisingly, people travel during holidays


These rewards aren’t essential, lmao. Just 2 classic assaultter squads and few golden/customization orders.

It’s not like everyone needs to get them.


I must say this

I dislike events that requires Tasks for 3 reasons

  1. It forces a player to a certain play style, what if my focus is to deal with infantry only? then I’m screwed on getting a 15 vehicle task and that’s a lot of missed rewards

  2. Increase of grey zone camping and plane hogging ,I’ve been a player of this game for 2 years and I know what would happen for vehicle kills, players would just hog vehicles and focus on the vehicles kills only and not bother protecting/supporting objectives

  3. It’s way too slow to progress, 20k score for me can be 4 games, now 15 vehicle killsacross all players in a match?

My opinion is simple, your Score event tasks are the best implementation that you’ve ever done, you don’t need to make it as complicated as the event tasks. Please reconsider, atleast for future events, to be implemented in Score event format and avoid these tedious Tasks format


I am just treating enlisted events like war thunder. I don’t need them. I never participated in a war thunder event.

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Another complaint is the tasks themselves. 10 battles is mega grindy. Tank kills and engineer points are hard to come by when everyone is beelining the tanks and building rallies (side note why not build rallies normally people??). Should really be get kills with X gun or get headshots or cap X points. Things that don’t have you directly competing with your own team.


my opinion “play x games” is the best, score based event encourages sweat plays, while play x games encourages… playing? which is the primary point. I guess.


That’s a good idea too but really this event tasks has to go


Is it really that bad - you don’t have to go out of your way to really do any of these and didn’t it say you can do them simultaneously.

  • Kill 150 enemies. 2-3 fights tops
  • Destroy 15 vehicles. 3-5 depending on mode/map
  • Your engineering structure was used 50 times. 3 or 4 games maybe.
  • Complete 10 battles.
  • Earn a total of 35,000 battle score 7 or 8 games?

Over 2 days - and you only need two thirds to get both squads - 2 or 3 games a day and you’d do 3 of the 5 tasks naturally. 5 games a day gets the 4th and in 10 games you’d surely get 35k score comfortably unless you get loads of conquest.

And the squads are interesting, but not game changing. It’s not like you have to do it if you ever want paratroopers without paying, for example.

That’s right at all.
For veteran players, the reward content is not essential. It’s just something to collect and enjoy. If it were me, I could give up if I couldn’t play the game because I had other things to do.
Additionally, we get some small rewards even if we don’t complete the event. It’s like receiving a small package of sweets and it’s fun.
It would also be a good goal for heavy users or those just starting out who want to spend their New Year’s holidays playing games. However, it may be difficult for beginners to achieve this.

Anyway, I don’t think the difficulty of the event tasks is something that people will be upset or disappointed about.


Imagine so a 10 v 10, everyone is fighting for vehicle kills and everyone wants to get this tasks done in the shortest time possible

Ye a recipe for disaster as people would go toxic for vehicle kills and scream at each other for taking vehicle slots


Awful event. Absolutely predatory especially considering it dropped during the holidays. Gotta play for hours 30 days straight and half of the rewards are useless bs. Psychologically manipulative event structure made to feed off of FOMO and nothing else.

I’ve played this game since like 2021 and I have never seen one this bad. Better events were nerfed before because they were so bad. Even if this got fixed I don’t think I’d play it, this gave me such a bad first impression.

The playerbase deserves to be rude about this one. We work full time and have lives! Our top priority in life is not playing this video game.


You are acting like this is the first event task ever that’s telling you to destroy vehicles.

In previous events you didn’t have to get ALL of the tasks finished
And he’s simply focusing on that one for brevity’s sake

Everyone gunning it for tanks
Everyone building stuff

It dilutes the amount of points towards the tasks everyone can get
Its a bad style of event


We win about a third of the rounds. We’ve been about 50:50 in the Ardennes so far.
I expect that will likely shift a bit as the Krauts get used to the map. The concentration of MKb42s, MP43s, and StG44s in Normandy has gotten insane since the Merge.

But I will never play as a German.