Operation “Winter Fantasy”

i dont have problem with all tasks except play 10 battles. i usually play ~2-3 battles per day and having to play 5 battles per day is almost double amount of battles that i need to play…
everything past those 2-3 battles is just “work”.


I treating it like a job, lol
start playing about 10am my time, play till complete, then have next day off. hehe

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German squad unlocked we are halfway through this torture
The 10 battles always remain the most stressful part since on average I finish all the other objectives in about 6/7 battles

The STG Horn(y) looks like a very good weapon and the uniforms are very nice and BUT they forgot to give their uniform for the battle of the bulge…


Not a bad start, for first hour on job :smile:


Horn StG squad was disappointing.

I already have all German guns unlocked so a nerfed MKb42 really isn’t going to interest me.

MKb42, seriously, that gun is the most nerfed AR of the game.


pretty good for your first battle ngl

btw for me 10 battle is easy since it mean i can play non popular faction like soviet to farm a little bit of xp

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Wanna try super-hard extra challenge ironman mode?

I’m trying to see if I can do this while ALSO doing the air tasks in War Thunder event (I plan to sell the reward for GJN) AND while fighting for possession of the PC against my son who wants to play Fortnite with his friends.


I must say the German squad is simply mediocre. Soviet squad is the actual prize. No wonder they gave us the German squad first and the soviet one later. I guess I will stop only after getting the soviet squad.


yea altho i love AR i guess what make it less “unique” is the fact that germany have too many AR already

And among them stg 44 is the only one you need.

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Is today not a reset day?


today is rest day for people that speedrun the task


Oh, thank God! Finally got the Soviet Assaulters last night!

I was having a heck of a time getting the vehicle requirement met due to horrible luck at guessing when to take a fighter plane and when to send machine gunners to a point. Then, with 6/10 destroyed (all other requirements met) the floodgates opened and I shot down 9 in my final round (and destroyed a tank)

10 total vehicles in that round

Glad that’s done with!

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Hey, I couldn’t play the event during the holidays and just started as I came back home, so maybe it would be possible to give us just a few more days? I belive I’m not the only one and just 2-4 more days, or just 2 days but the tasks are reseted daily - would allow us to collect at least the German squad. I love collecting every free german stuff

Can someone please explain which one of these is stage “4/14”?
The bottom 20 appearance orders?

And buying a “task” means one task like “kill 10 vehicles” or the set of 1/2 days tasks?


it is 20 appearance change orders. just count golden drops.

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I am so happy this event is finally gone. I grinded so hard it made me completely stop playing the game for week or more once I obtained both squads.


I remember writing “it’s only 5 battles per day” but I gave up halfway the event. :face_with_spiral_eyes:


worst event so far… it was long and grindy…

i had so much pent up frustrations due to that event that i deserted ~40 matches in last few days cause i just didnt want to play shit maps/modes/teams… i tolerated bad games before cause they were needed for grind (bad games are usually short matches).


Again, No one twisted your arm to do it.
others able to do it, just because you can not, or wont, doesn’t mean it was horrible, it just horrible for you.