Operation “Winter Fantasy”

I don’t know a single person who enjoyed this event more than any other event we’ve experienced.
It was just more tedious version of previous events. It wasn’t special in any other positive way.


Well i can say, i don’t enjoy them, but i do them if i want the item.
And considering most have better squads than i, most really don’t need to do them, as they have better units.
its just the addictive personality, that most have
that drives them to feel they need to do it. fomo

For me, whom wasn’t going to do USSR at all ever, to be able to make a BR V loadout, from events, was pretty cool, 105 games later, haven’t not stopped playing USSR

I just set a goal to get the Russian Assaulters so I paced the entire event as if it ended after Stage 9. I was getting in the 5 per day and easily topping the 20k requirement in 1 day of play (which made me happy. First time to be doing that)

I was honestly happy to be getting short Conquest games and that felt really weird.

I really haven’t cared about 10 battles per 2 days. But the task about teammates using yout rally points eas extremely frustrating.
Everyone was building rally points, so sometimes I get only 3 spawns per match. Especially per those very quick ones.
And the most frustrating thing about it was the fact, you really didn’t want to use your APC. Because you would basically boycott chance to lure more of your teammates to use your rally point.

I literally had so many matches in which my main focus was just best placement for rally points. And when some random guy which had way worse rally placement got more rally spawns just because he was in stack, I was so furious.


Had days like that also, i didnt even bother :rofl:

Just so that you know:

Today, War Thunder officially announced switching to a new events schedule.

Basically, it’s the recent Enlisted formula. Endless chain of events, one after another with little to no off time.


We were the labrats.


have to say this, cant help self :rofl:

Wish they start a new one, still another week, or so till go, for next BP, and announcement of announcement.
so bored.
had to force myself to play like 13 games yesterday haha,
just feels empty, knowing all that XP, was just wasted on a tree XP :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea I switch to command and conquer Kane wrath and it was quite refreshing and relaxing and still haven’t play much at all

Might do some tomorrow for xp tho

And yea those rally point quest were a pain but somehow I always get the point before everyone else probably cause I’m so used to building rally I guess

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I was in the same boat. I’m pretty sure I missed one of the days’ rally point task by being at 48/50 at game reset and I didn’t even try for it on another day.

But beyond that, I was playing 5 rounds a day anyway for the “10 rounds task” and I’m used to setting rally points as part of my normal play style. You set one up about 60 from the cap in a sheltered spot on a flank and you’ll get 30 or 40 a round without really trying. Rally points are all about “location, location, location.”

I was thinking that I was going to have a hard time getting seat time in the air, but thankfully I didn’t have many issues.