Operation “Winter Fantasy”

Unfortunately it’s not “construction used by teammates” I wish it was and I’ve suggested they change it to that.

That would be much easier. Currently it’s your rally being used by team mates 50 times.

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I suggest farming rally uses using Soviets, they don’t know how to build rallies so you can easily do it in a few matches, do expect to lose a lot though.

I might give that a try tomorrow on event reset

yea it count i down 3 aircraft yesterday and got it

well enlisted building task logic is if it said “was used” it mean the team use it

yea that how i get most of my task done too surprising that i can get some vehicle event tho most of them are tiger 2

Add all historical authentic Decals from WarThunder instead of adding Trash ones like that.
When you always come up with these, same as in WT, They all have wrong saturation in colour and wrong style.
Makes them pop out and ruin the immersion.
Just stick to authentic ones, You have that other Game just FULl of them, just add em over.
And while you at it, Cut the damn prizes for customization so average joe actually can customize.
Customization is big part of getting a connection to game and feel liek they are your soldiers and vehicles, gettin emotionally invested and more likely to have fun adn play the game.
But with you x10 overprized system no one can or should spend that much money to do it.

And while you add it get to work add same system for vehicles. with appropriate camo for the different Campaings.
So we can make winter Camo for winter maps and Desert for Desert.
Can’t believe how it ain’t already there.
Who is the Guy who should get fired for that laziness and missing to add it.
Or who needs to be hired to do it? Just get it fixed and running yesterday preferably


Okay about the Event:

It took me 3 games to complete 150 frags and 10 vehicles (this one can be done in 1 if lucky);
It took me 4 games to complete 50 rally point respawns by teammates;
It took me 5 games to complete 20k points

But I didn’t have the time to play 10 games in 2 evenings during work days


you can always skip sleep time :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: jk

Ok this for all, that will be playing over Xmas, something to hum to, while you play :rofl:

Edit for those that don’t know, its based on(Deck the hall with boughs of holly) xmas carol
So if you where to play the deck carol, would sort of make my sense, and rhyme a little bit :smile:

Its the season to be lonely
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
Tis the season to be grinding
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
Don we now our event apparel
Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la
Troll the enemy with our carols
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

[Verse 2]
See the blazing tank before us
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
spawn on raly and join the battle
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
Follow me in merry pleasure
Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la
While we reap the XP treasure
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la


Flybois of the forum, I really don’t know planes.
Which ones to pick for Soviet BR2 and German BR5?
P-40/IL-2 & Ju-188/FW 190?

@WidowMakerUk73 maybe you can advice?

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For Germans BR V, I use Fiat G.55. For Soviets - I dont play BR II.

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Totally agree with you! The 10 battles are a bit too high. 5 would be fair enough in my opinion.

I like this game (even more after the merge), but i love my friends and family too^^



P40 is my preferred, FW190D br5

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German V?

109 G10, or G14.

Sovs tier 2?
Stalingrad Lend lease fighter

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P-40 at BR II is a good fighter with great firepower and more bombs than some low BR bombers.

As for high BR Germans, it’s up to preference. The Ju188 can deliver an absolutely devastating carpet bombing and you can occasionally score some plane kills thanks to your gunners. The FW190D still carries a decent bomb load, it can tear apart planes and strafe infantry with 30mm, but it is a bit harder to fly.

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Let me give you my advice as a captain, not a flyboi. I have both gold orders, Soviet IL2 1941 and the lovely FW190 from Berlin axis. Totally recommended, but to be honest FW190 it’s very hard to tame. P40 it’s a good machine but it breaks easy, and ju188 you have to depend on the IA to not get teared apart in the air.

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I have to say “Your rally point was used 50 times” is extremely hard to achieve especially if game wants you to also hunt enemy vehicles, it’s either you do one every time your team loses/caps point or the other. And 10 games in 2 days take even longer to achieve than both of those.

In BR2 i can see nobody really giving a damn about this event (except one butthurt soviet that keep spamming planes to hunt our tanks), so much work for mediocre BR4 squads with mediocre guns that look and probably sound great but who would be using them over Fedorov or STG44? Noboody.


It is not, of course if you dont build them you wont complete it, I got mine done in 4 matches

10 battles is a bit much, It would be nice if it got reduced a bit.



in 4 matches i’m only at the 32/50, my rallies got bombed constantly and trucks doesn’t add score to that objective…

I blame that on sleeping for just 4h i feel like death.

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