Operation “Winter Fantasy”

Can we have buildable Christmas trees???

:christmas_tree: :hammer:


I noticed that in the following task:

Destroying tanks and APCs count, but aircraft does not.
Now its possible that I did my math wrong, but Im a little bit suspicious that this could also be a bug or even intentional.
Can someone help me with this one?


i am quite sure thata planes are intentionally left out. Ingame it is called “destry 10 armourded vehicles”


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i don’t know what the devs smoke … this operation is really fantasy stuff
I am definitly out of this GAGA Event

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apparently the wood on GAZ AAA truck counts as armour.

Okay… :rofl:

Can you please just make this a 20K score event and remove the 2 day cap.

That way people can play the game when they want during the holidays and catch up on missed days and also play the game how they want.

Me and 3 other experienced players were playing last night and those 10 games and 50 rally uses tasks are very annoying to complete. I appreciate you’re trying to encourage rally building but this makes it takes much longer than you normally would to complete the task.



Have you changed the matchmaker somehow? I found playing after the merge really enjoyable. With a battle rating of 1 (or 2), I was matched among my peers (BR 1 and BR 2) and only rarely had BR 3. The games were pleasant and I had fun.

Since the start of the Christmas event, playing in BR 1 has just SUCKED! I played 7 games yesterday and had 5 (!!!) games in which I was allowed to be farmed by BR 3 players. I didn’t have this quota before! By the way, today it happened 4 times in 5 games. Well, that’s hard for me to explain with “coincidence”.

In addition, I have often (especially today) been thrown into matches that were already advanced (the first objective was already gone and the opponent still had 1000 tickets or the first two objectives were already destroyed and the other two already had the running countdown. I hadn’t had that before the event either.

Why is that?

If this is the gaming experience that I have to prepare for in the future, then that’s it for me with the game because I don’t feel like getting frustrated in my free time.

Anyone have an idea what this could be?


Hello, thanks for responding, maybe increase the density / volume of trees it does look a little scarce, not sure if other map in progress not yet released but this is my favourite map / campaign so far though :+1:

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Playing enlisted isn’t for fun anymore is now just work work work…

Whilst some tasks can be done quickly some are most definitely not 10 battles isn’t short avg match time is 20-30 minutes (affected by mode and team competent) that about 200-300 minutes that 3-5 hours…

Why? Why 10? WHY NOT 5?


Before anyone say I can do it on other day, the 20k event can be done on 1 day this isn’t even possible.

Burning out your player isn’t engagement.


Yes it does and the fact that it comes and goes affecting visibility, enhances the games experience alot.

Tunisia has a bit of heat wave but less visible unless prone.

Muddy ground should slow you down or some effect along these lines.

When you aim down your weapon sight, you should be able to hear the wind ( I know I do if it’s windy)

I’m aware DF is totally hands full but nobody would complain about some extra emersion​:wave::blush:


Maybe I’m exaggerated a bit there, but usually I have a habit of completing the 20k event in about 2 hours from event reset at 9:00 pm sometime I do it next day.

The task event especially the 10 battle one make it impossible for me to finish it within the 2 hours I used to.

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This is due to sudden increase in players.
Many old players came back for recent events, not to mention increased clan activity.

You are correct.

The 10 battles and especially the 50 rally uses are a massive hinderance. Because everyone is building rallies it makes this one very slow, i think even after my 10 games i still didn’t have it finished.

I can get 20k score in around 4 to 5 games.


What nation were u playing at br 2? Population of factions is most likely the issue.

If it’s “construction used by teammates”, then it should be not only rally points, but also ammo crates, sandbags and MG nests.

I suggest you to spam sandbags near objs and build guns for your teammates to use. If that counts, it should greatly speed up the progress in the task.

(No way to speed up the 10 battles tho.)

It does, thought?

Cleared it by downing enemy fighters normally :thinking:

Thanks for the info, I will test again later.

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But it said “Your rally point was used 50 times” though

If only it really was construction used by team mate you gave me false hope : (