Operation “Winter Fantasy”

yeah, mine too. it was the one that was most tilted to favor the player base. i guess the economic income, by that very reason, was the lowest one of em all. the fastest the challenge can be done, the less the people will feel compelled to spend couple bucks for a level.

but this event is actually the other way around, is the most tilted in favor of the developers. it has gone too far in the other direction, specially with the population in the state it is (full aware in defensive mode given the total shookup we suffered).

the solution, as almost always, lies in the middle. the trick is to find it.

The soviet paratroopers are much more worth the grinding, you can get assaulters all the time.

Then make it your fortifications were used 25 times instead.

I also wanted to add that I truly enjoy the Ardennes maps across the board
They look and play very well

Thank you

Yes, the Germans sure are suffering! I hope it isn’t emotionally damaging having to suffer as Germany right now!

I agree this event is a tough grind (normally 50 rally spawns would be like 2 or 3 games for me but it took 9 today I think( but also am a little understanding of it.

Not every player needs to finish every event!

There have been several in the past ~ 18 months that I simply had to choose to ignore or collect partial rewards (e.g. 2 guns in the event that offered 4 with G43 Wartime and maybe a PPSH). If you choose to accept that it’s a challenge and not a gift then it’s a little easier to accept. Don’t have time or patience for the challenge, don’t worry about it.

If somehow these squads end up OP, then I guess it would be unfortunate, but I doubt that will be the case. They are likely not better than a built out assaulter squad at BR4-5… It would be nice to get them early if you don’t have access to STG, for example, but that doesn’t mean it should be given away.

It’s okay to experiment with different event formats and difficulties, but for Christmas/New Year time people would expect something easier and more generous: enjoy travels, time with family, play a little bit and get a couple of nice weapons/squads.

This tryhard nolifer format would work a bit better e.g. in February after everyone returns from holidays.


Sometimes this game feels like a job.

and spoiler: people don’t like that. And unlike War Thunder which is the only option in the genre besides WoT, the FPS market is full of options. People simply won’t stay if they feel like they’re working instead of playing.


So what if you have lived your life, and are now retired, and have no life, makes me a nolifer??
When i have already lived a life

Just noticed with event, if you score 20k , is only 300 silver, stingy :stuck_out_tongue:


Not at all!
I have just retired from work at age 51.
Life is just starting now :star_struck:
And yes I have all the time in the world for this event LOL
Happy gaming, guys.


i mean i got lucky and destroy 4 vehicle in a match 2 time so it is doable but it is at the mercy of the enemy to use vehicle

maybe US is the best enemy for this since they use tank and aircraft a lot

Build your rally points or Xmas is cancelled for you !

Im loving how Darkflow is teaching irs kids xD

Im loving this event

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Аt the moment I can only say, wait a little bit for the update.

About lack of snow: we will change it, but not so much that everything would be covered with snow.

We wanted to show the transition from autumn to snow, in order to have visual diversity in the location; we were more focused on the combination of the autumn operation in the Hurtgen Forest and the Battle of Bulge, which took place later.

But we definitely will change the ratio of snow and other surfaces.


My main complaint is that by the time snow falls, the trees and grass can’t be neon-green.
There’s usually a cold autumn period before snow when all vegetation loses its leaves and color.


Changing weather effects like wind, snow, rain, etc with an impact on hearing ability, mobility and visibility, would be amazing !!

We could have a whole update around weather effects.
Call it - The weather man update -

People love to complain. Let them complain about the weather! Soooo realistic😁


I cant say its neon-like.

Majority of those were already implemented for the one map in Moscow campaign.
The Fortified district? Don’t really remember the names.
The snow effect there could be so strong you basically didn’t see more than 20m away.

And same goes for Tunisia. Sandstorm or whatever it was heavily obscured visibility as well…

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Even War Thunder had tasks at the beginning before they changed them too to a scoring system the scoring format is the best for everyone don’t try to change it
It gives each player the freedom to play the game as they want without forcing them to complete specific objectives that EVERYONE is doing at the same time, lengthening the completion of a single objective to the point of becoming frustrating (seriously, who thought 50 rally points was a good idea?)

It’s Christmas you can’t force the community to complete specific limited time tasks every 2 days and in fact here we are all complaining (the already tested and appreciated 5000 point system is perfect for events in the middle of holidays like this one)

Do you want to do specific tasks? ok but do it for example for mini events such as to earn decals or cosmetic items

Or better yet, you could do this event with the score and put specific tasks such as secondary missions that would have given bonuses of credits or additional rewards such as the reindeer decal for example in this way the players would have received the standard rewards and would be incentivized to also do specific tasks without problems

Now the omelette is done, at least try to lower the requirements considerably (especially the rally points and the battles) it would not solve the problem but at least it would improve the conditions of this event


I hate it so much. Only snipers with scoped weapons will be able to see and you cannot counter them. Also bots shoot you when you cant see them


Putting something this grindy at Xmas to try and force people to play more or to waste a little gold. - creating an inconvenience for players over xmas. This is really scummy.

People have already spent and given DF a lot of money during sales current and this month.

People have had back to back events for months now. You will burn people out.

When a game starts to feel like a chore and not fun. Thats usually when i stop playing.