Operation “Winter Fantasy”

Its still questional why the 501st airborne and other paratroopers are not turned into progressional paratroopers, additionally the new event assaulters are german paratroopers again being assaulters instead of paratroopers.

These 2 tasks truly takes way more time than other 3.


pretty tedious ngl

Make 10 battles only 5 and rally point task change into all structures/APC used task.


Trying to do the math here.

Basically I have Dec 20-22 and Jan 12-19 available.
That means max 52 + 58 = 50 tasks I can do.

So potentially I should be able to get both USSR and German squads?

But I can only skip 5 tasks over the whole period?

tasks are too hard, that’s not funny. The developpers just want people to be upset and pay with real money. Find an other way, you want to give us something? give it easely.


I don’t see a problem here, but sadly only for future events(tech difficulties to do for this one, i know it’s sounds not good, but it’s all i can say about it rn), plus we preparing 1 more easier event in close days.


3 events at the same time!? That’s hellish! I am ready.


I would actually propose to have all tasks depends on the player’s personal actions, not teammates’.

Build X rally points (deconstruction doesn’t count)
is much better than
Have people spawn on your rally X times.


Yeah I getcha
Changing it up does sound like it would throw a wrench in the works with how tenuous some of this stuff seems to be held together lol

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I finished most of it in 5 matches. 10 is certainly excessive.

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We have different types of events in our game. Some of them easy, some of them harder. With this one you’ll have more challenge, it’s true, but also you have a second event at the same time with paratroopers.

As you wrote, prizes that are more important from a gameplay point of view are easier to get. We deliberately do not put the main prizes in regular marathons at the end! In this, we also took into account the completion of 3 tasks out of 5 to obtain squads, two of which are not difficult to complete, and one is completed in parallel with the first marathon.

Based on your feedback, we have simplified the most difficult tasks. For our very active players, regular marathons are not a challenge; we wanted to diversify the event format for them. But even those players who don’t have that much time to play will be able to get paratrooper units and other important types of squads.


All that stuff is good and all but asking your team to use your rally point 50 times is a bit much

You guys are adding a paratrooper unit to the event?? Please make them U.S.

I mean USSR paratroopers event ongoing parallel with this one.

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Gotcha. I understand. While I’ve got your ear, do you have any idea when the New Years Sale will hit the XBox Store? I was waiting and waiting through the Anniversary Sale (XBox was excluded) for the Microsoft Store sale that was promised, but it never came. Now we get to this sale and PC and Playstation players have an active sale but XBox is excluded yet again.

I am willing to accept the explanation that the events are separate. I just want to know when the sale is going to happen for XBox. There was a Soviet AS-44 Premium Squad that apparently went on sale immediately after the Campaign Merge update so it’s obvious that your sales are being activated by Microsoft in the Store when you guys want them to be. When will the American 506th Paratroopers be 50% off for us like they have been for PC and Playstation players TWICE now in two months?

Are you guys ever going to let us get into these deals? I was planning on buying premium squads as Christmas presents.

The event is not hard/difficult, It’s just inconvenient. As it’s Christmas time, people travel, visit family and friends, attend various events etc. Play time is far more limited, I mean, this is what Christmas is all about, spending time with your loved ones. With that being said, the even requirements are no that accessible considering the current holiday.

I think the event it’s cool, you got stuff to do, cool rewards, but just too demanding for this specific time period.

Things could be a bit more humble, especially it’s that time of the year = )


good to know, thanks a lot!!

you see, the issue is not, in my case, if the tasks are difficult or not, is more of the tedious nature of it, specially for people that have an hour here, couple hours there, (not my case), and instead of feeling compelled to pursuit the event objective, actually end up being repulsed to it.

it is a fine line, and you might actually found it some times, that separates the exact point of tedium needed to compel people to spend some bucks here and there to skip a couple steps, and just, juuust a little too much and end up in a very bad light, with an outcry from the player base just around the corner.

but that line, given the actual situation from the merge, the actual shock status due to the massive changes, the stressing situation of facing a mostly completely revamped situation when you were already in a somehow comfortable spot, the not knowing, the uncertainty of where we are and where we are going, you have to acknowledge it has moved.

populations in state of uncertainty always tend to have increased awareness on stingy issues, and dont let go easily on problems and things that in other situation could go unattended.

the difference of opinions between the players (we always want more from you) and the developers (you always want more from us) is a fine thread to walk, but the developer studios that find it, and walk it, are the ones that find the higher success, the love of their player base, and the respect of the media and public in general.

it is always, always, the cheapest form of publicity, to have satisfied and happy customers, by being generous and present a good and fair product to the public.

rant out!


This event is way too grindy.

Especially this task

Come on Darkflow its Xmas. Please reduce these event tasks and preferably dont make it cap your tasks per two days.

Weve had event after event and people will be spending time with family.



It’s a rare appearance here… feels like Enlisted’s God came to the forums…

Can we…

Can we have buildable Christmas trees???



Please reduce this event grind significantly.

Its xmas and new year. Just let people enjoy the holidays. Better yet stop making it date capped so people can do it when they have time and catch up.

My fav format was 5K score per small reward with many stages but uncapped.


Why would you make a more challenging event during Xmas. Thats not appreciated by anyone.

You should have given us a super easy event that everyone could complete that would be the kind and appropriate thing to do this time of year.