Operation “Winter Fantasy”

It looks like an assault rifle and it has a Bayonet When they could have given them another PPSH or the folding one but no we need more assault rifle for some reason.

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Ok, but:

Edit: you know those will likely be tier V, or minimum IV… So nothing would change balance wise. Just another goody, that’s all.

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I don’t want that many variants of the STG and I just want a belt fed MG with 100 rounds but that’s apparently impossible

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I really still think this is over the top for how many tasks you need to complete for the rewards compared to previous or the concurrent event


the main problem is the 10 battles and the 50 (DAMNED) rally points are missions that consume a lot of time since everyone is doing the same thing (the main problem with specific missions is precisely that there is no freedom of play unlike accumulation of points) extended the time needed to complete them even further

There’s a damn reason why no one has ever loved this style of event and we’ve always preferred points


After playing several hours I can confidently say the play 10 battles is too many. It should be like 5 or 6.


So German Version is fucked up?

Not a fan of tasks that require other people to do things for you, as this:


Dear level designers, what time of the year do you see snow + neon green trees + 50cm tall green grass?

This doesn’t look neither like Bulge, nor like Hurtgen forest.


Theres not a single fantasy weapon.

Looks like Ternopol during summer, with bright green almost neon trees.


No I meant I didn’t replace any soldiers, so Tunisia British squads should still have British soldiers inside, but looks like I had already messed them up.

Btw can you please check in your British squads if I can distinguish Yanks from Brits by the former having the older (Rus/Ger) faces and the latter having the newer faces shared with Italians?

Yanks old faces

Brits new faces

Really need to consider lowering the requirements, they should know this, literally the holiday season, people seeing family/doing activities outside of gaming.

20k activity alone is a decent task to complete, there’s no need for the others


I can’t distinguish Brits from Yanks faces anymore… been too long, sadly. Only trick is the voice.

For Italians it’s much easier, their names differ greatly from German ones. And most of them have staches.

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Funnily enough, the truly annoying one is rally point task. Especially since everyone is spamming APC rn.

Forcing 50 people to spawn on your rally point is quite achievement rn.


After playing the event I must say it is horrible, too much work for so little, I am thinking about missing this one. Not even fun.

Bring back the old 20k point per 2 days!


@James_Grove See if you can have them change the rally point task to also count APC spawns, pretty please!


just played a couple battles, i can definitely tell that from my perspective this is the most demanding, annoying and time consuming event of all, so far.

i am grateful the rewards arent really that needed, if they slapped something like paratroopers, apcs or assault engineers to this system with so much FOMO, that could lead to massive player abandoning. just think how much a knifes edge we are walking right now with all that is happening, this is NOT the path to go, darkflow/gaijin.

this is the time to be generous, ridiculously, extremely generous, to counter the adaptation shock players are experiencing with all the changes.

too much change is as bad, and sometimes worst, than no change at all. people tend to grow weary of changes. experience teach us that most of the times, changes lead to trouble. that is the time to appease and relief stress, not add coal to the fire.

this is the path to LOOSING players, not WINNING them. i strongly suggest rethinking the whole structure.


If you guys don’t know how to plan an event, you could not plan it.
This event is low.


This is extremely reasonable suggestion.