Operation “Winter Fantasy”

I love my Japanese faction… :zipper_mouth_face:

Yesterday I took out my event riflemen and decided all I would do with em is charge. Even in defense. Even through their grey zone… all with Katanas.

It was glorious. Wasteful but glorious.

Surprisingly it worked a bit, enemy sure was startled!!!



It’s another reason why it’s stupid to sell surplus squads for 10k!

  • Quite literally sell an entire sub faction away.
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Engineer only? No AT soldier?

tbh i can do these but god dam that destroy 10 vehicle task is gonna be a pain in the back like not everyone have tiger 2 or something that can kill tiger 2 so i can im gonna use dicker max and hope that some noob join so i can kill them and maybe 150 kill per 2 day is a little much but doable (if you play all the time)

maybe i might do aircraft since ot didnt specified what vehicle

haha, agree…every time I hear my italian guy scremaing “creva bastardo”, I’m grateful that this game hasn’t had the “we must be political correct so we can attract kids” treatment yet.

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yea i never like the task event since point only is better


This events’ requirements are abit excessive, seeing as its almost Christmas. I have a very loose work schedule and even i find it to be overbearing.

I may not fully participate in this one.


Stupid question but is it live already?
20th, 2023 (13:00 UTC) passed a few hours ago for me in europe.
But the only event I can see is the USSR airborn one…
Is it beeing delayed/bugged or is just the Date wrong?

it already live maybe you need to re login

Probably because people has a life and doing 45k score per 2 days(overlapping 2 events) is insane?


Would be nice if the event task updated live in the mission…


Still not there after I rebooted the PC…

Wait a damn moment, was 35k, lmao

Hell no man, make the event 5k unlimited and is the only task


It got reduced to 20k
and only 10 tank kills
for those tasks

Also today I can finish the Paratrooper event today, so fk your game too after that

God all you do is just bitch and moan, why don’t you just quit playing then? Would be a Christmas miracle to see you off the forum for once.


Well I gonna ruin your Christmas by living rent free in your mind, you will see me in the forum and good luck slave yourselves in this shite

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I’m so glad the Soviets can have more assault rifles not like they don’t have enough of them at this point.


But only doing so, we would forgo the 2 gold cards at the very end… :confused:

Each 5 bracket is worth 2 days. There’s 14 brackets.

Which means, we need 28 days (14 x 2) to get everything.

During the holidays, it’s just not possible for anyone who isn’t an ermit. I’m not even certain I’ll get both event squads myself.

Dude. Germany also get a squad… Where’s the issue? (And Soviets will have something resembling the avt40. Not an assault rifle per say)


ok a quick and dirty research (i only looked on one page) says that the AT-44 is an assault rifle tested by the soviets, it fires 7.62x41 which was the first version of the iconic AK round(7.62x39), hence why the rpd does almost 10 damage

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