Onde esta as armas AA e

We urgently need more anti-air weapons, it is not uncommon for us to get into matches where the adiversari team has aerial superiority, whether due to quantity or quality of aircraft, and there is nothing wrong with that, but the problem is that there is no AA defense in enlisted , the only anti-area weapon in the game is restricted only to engineer squads, and even so they are weapons with many limitations, if we were to compare the means of defense we have for tanks, and the means of defense we have for aircraft, we will see that for tanks we have a vast arsenal, with varieties of launchers and explosives, and for aircraft we only have a single weapon for each faction


AA need upgrades for high tier and maybe SPAA


With how long it’s been like this it’s intentional because they’re trying to siphon off players from War Thunder


We’re not allowed to have that otherwise skill players can’t keep abusing the blind spots in our AA guns

One or two shots will easily take the wings off a plane? Just shoot late so they can’t spot you, or wait until they pass and fire at their back.

Its very difficult to bomb when your opponents use AA properly.




This is a team game
What you need are teammates who can divide work and cooperate
(Although it plays like a stand-alone game most of the time
There are also a bunch of monkeys and spies ruining your gaming experience)

If you want to stop enemy planes from blowing you up into the sky
Then use airplanes to fight airplanes

But considering that planes are often occupied by spies,
You should just be an avenger.

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before they go into actual combat
I won’t hold any expectations

AA already holds all the cards. Always has first strike capability, and if you time it, aim right, first strike wins or causes slow death…

would love some more AA vehicles though. Fun


A single hit from current AA, can rip an entire wing, and if not, cripples the planes characteristics so much the pilot is better off bailing out.

We don’t really need a buff in aa. We just need ppl to LEARN USING IT PROPERLY.

I’m all in for other aa vehicles, because they are cool. But most players will end up using them on ground forces, like those with those we already have…


yea we need to use AA to bring down those HVAR spammer am i right?


Aa works wonder on them.

Problem is the first pass is very difficult to prevent. And since many players just quick spawn rocket boats just for a single pass…

A good solution would be this shameless plug! (Again).


You talkin’ about yourself?

Because, you’re pretty much the only one here whining against that idea…

How nice is it in your lonely corner, buddy?


How do you prevent Enemy Fighters from circling your airport, out of AA range and shooting you down on take off, just like in War Thunder?

Thank the Lord we have you and those 2 unknown persons!

The rest of the world, are obviously too dumb and we cannot get a clue. We are, of course, the problem here…

Personal attacks?

I never attacked you at all :laughing:
If anything, you’re the one who keeps pestering me, even after I repeatedly said “I’m done”.

Mmmh it also seems you keep flagging for some reason…

I wonder what is offensive in this very post? :thinking:

Well on take off you’d be inside AA range. And you could just stay inside AA range by circling while you gained altitude and checked your surroundings.

Have you played Pacific? The carrier AA is crazy powerful - you’ve absolutely no chance of chasing someone down who’s heading for that area.

No one will do this because the game is too short. No one will climb for 10 minutes when the game lasts 15 minutes.

That’s part of the point I think - suicide bombers and plane spammers won’t. It makes planes have to be more deliberate. But that is an exagerration so good pilots definitely will - would take less than a minute to loop around and gain altitude and the vast majority of my games are 20-35 minutes.

So losing a plane has more consequence, less bomb/suicide bomb spam, but the plane gameplay actually becomes more engaging.


All we have left is tank spam, grenade spam, auto weapon spam…