Normandy landings Day

Show me historical documents/photos that validate your claims.
I’m not saying you’re wrong/right… I’m just saying that I’m a skeptic.

D-Day was not a single-day, but ran from June-6th 1944, through July 24th, 1944.


I understand. The part I am talking about is the initial landing.

Yeah I’m sure you’re right about the beach-landings.
The beach landing maps in Enlisted are so far away from resembling any form of accuracy, it’s shameful.


Especially the destroyers offshore.
There were only 2 destroyers that got close in to the shore and they weren’t positioned like that.
That part annoys me a bit.

Or the mirror-like-ocean, where the water reflects the clouds and the sky almost perfectly.
And the abundance of sunshine.

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We just got the new Power Plant map in Normandy.

Imo a fantastic map (maybe the best in game).

I don’t think you understand how much time/effort it takes to create a new and also good map from scratch.

Also a lot of ppl (not just DF) involved.

(Unless you just want some copy pasta).


to deliver bugs


They don’t seem to have much issue with creating premium content, events, and artwork used for advertising/marketing purposes. I don’t want new premium vehicles/squads… I want an abundance of new maps/battlefields to play from.

Oh, and I want matchmaking to get fixed.
And bi-pod deployment fix
And fire/WP fixed (going through walls)


That’s what everyone wants.

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The new game design is specifically addressing this.

It’s almost like that’s how they make money. Oh yeah. It is.

Aren’t you just the cleverest, smartest, and most insightful person ever. Truly a master of wit and in possession of tremendous acumen.

Shameful. I don’t think you know what that word means.

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None of these games are historically accurate. Not a one. It’s all varying degrees of fakeness from Hell let loose on the right to battlefield on the left. This game is far closer to Hell let loose than it is to battlefield. Sooooo…

And the fact that Hell let loose has like 100 players shows you how much DF needs to move the"accuracy" meter to the right.


i heard its bad

Uh. People who manufacture fake outrage on a video game forum of an arcadey shooter? Always 12

Super lame you guys didn’t bring back some of the older Normandy prems for today, would have really liked to get the WZ.28 BAR for Germans.


No it is not. You bought them to support the game. And you had over a month to dunk on anyone who could not afford them, because they are literally pay to win.

Soon, everyone else who plays for free will be able to unlock the free paratroopers during the ongoing event. Are you going to cry about that too? This mentality is what ruins online games. You pay for something expensive few others can afford, so you can club players who don’t have them. No shame, no self-awareness. Disgusting.


Thanks for the sale! I really wanted these.


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Welp time to get the Kiraly 43M and the paratroopers to replace the good ol MP28 (EM) squad
ty for the sale

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You have binge shopping! Richman!

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What Outrage are you speaking of? Simply making observations.

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