Normandy landings Day

Not my problem

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Well. It could be if those planes are unique from each other and carry different loadouts I guess.

Was announced that theyā€™ll disappear after the sale in May. Console sales are different.


Surprised ? :rofl:

Would have been better to honor D-Day with some new maps for players to enjoy in the Normandy campaign.
Thereā€™s no way Iā€™ll be spending money anytime soon, when thereā€™s a long list of standing issues that need to be resolved first.
Patiently waiting on your BIG UPDATE thatā€™s supposedly going to be the miracle cure for all the things that are wrong with this game.

Gotta earn that $$$ with some good old fashionā€™d hard work. Consumers typically are not appreciative of purchasing faulty products.


You do realize the most recent map we got just recently was for Normandy right?

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@142083083 lol thatā€™s nothing. Imagine their expressions knowing that their sacrifices were wasted. Knowing that modern society in 2023, is composed of weak-minded people, who are offended by the truth, and cry for historical images to be censored.


just wait for the next war!
You also have to remeber that the people who complain about censoring things are the most covered people, and the people who donā€™t complain are sidelined.

Oh wow. A random Power plant, and factory. If it werenā€™t for the weaponry/factions, that map could be a counter-part of Berlin and Train Escort.

Also worth mentioningā€¦ the Axis team seems to be playing as the attackers in Normandy for the 75% of the matches. (Axis should be defending)
And the paratroopers have ruined this new map (Facory/Power Plant), because they can precision-deploy ontop of any of the roof-tops/tall towers, and capture the objectives without being challenged.
As a result, matches move at a faster pace than they did before the implementation of the paratroopers. And nowā€¦ teams with stacked players who have paratroopers, are able to run through matches in less than 15 minutes.
Nothing more than a sprinting simulator, with a LOT of explosions and full-auto spamming.

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I was hoping the polish browning was going to be available during this sale, but I guess not :frowning:

If Iā€™m 12, how old are the people who are offended by historical images, and ask for them to be censored for everybody?


They ditched the whole HA so it doesnā€™t really matter.
If it was historically accurate, the Germans on the D-day map should not get access to aircraft or get to use tigers, panthers or panzers, as they used outdated French tanks they captured.

Yeah, Iā€™m already aware that HA is non-existent and is only being used for marketing purposes.
Bait-and-switching the new players who are looking for a game that is based off of HA.

Itā€™s an awful business strategy, and is only going to backfire in the long run.


Hmm never knew that, Iā€™m sure they had armour on beaches, not just French armour, can you share any web links proving that?

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I canā€™t find it immediately but I think the armchair historian mentioned it in one of his videos on D-day.
Might be the Mandela effect on me though.

This guy says differently



Around 14 minutes in.
They used outdated French tanks against paratroopers.

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Thatā€™s all cartoon imagery, with a narrator who is is telling the audience anything.
I prefer looking at historical documents/images, rather than cartoon pictures while somebody makes a claim.


Yes, but they werenā€™t available on D-Day.
They were available for the rest of the Normandy campaign though.

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