Normandy landings Day

It’s only on your screenshot the D-day landing weather is grey like it was in reality, why is in game so sunny? Can you change the weather of this map to like on the screenshot please?


Why are the destroyers offshore concentrated like that?

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Nice discounts not gonna lie. Might buy paratroopers now.

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Yeah, I’m not disappointed @_fi_nal .

It can fight almost all german fighters on fairly equal terms.

Hispano x4 shredding. Some say Hispano is still bugged, not sure. Haven’t have any problems taking down planes with it.


Enlisted has a big problem with premium lineups. They are simply unprofitable. It would be better to buy one soldier equipped with premium weapons and assign him to an already existing squad, than to buy a whole premium squad that is totally unnecessary. Why should we spend money on premium squads when the basis of the game is to level up in basic squads. All premium lineups should be remodeled. Because it’s not economically viable at the moment. Not to mention the price. €50-60 for a premium squad is too much. In my country I earn 800-900€ per month. I have a family, I have expenses. So even if I wanted to invest in the game, I can’t. I will say it again. The game has a huge problem with monetization.


There isn’t a single pack on the store with that price right now, and with a discount they’re $20 each.

Strange, field mod grease gun gets removed, but not mp18 gentlemen. I got both anyway so meh, just curious as to what new techtrees will look like.

Say, @Shiivex , you got the UDM42? I only tested it in practice range, and even if it uses a weak round (compared to all other USA smgs with .45) it seemed quite good… How is it?

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Feels random except maybe the G41 or the Johnson.

I would buy the polish axis squad and the UD allied, but I already have two assaulters on my 10 slot line up, the fake Paras with kirali, the event silenced squad, where would I put Tz, although I do like look of them, they are another assaulter squad.

Probably pulling things they want to add to the TTs later, or are already in the normal campaign trees like the M50 or the the Johnson.

Idk. Would people love to research a Panzer IV J. with a bunch of tracks (again)? And what about the G-6 and G-10s?

If you give me 1 h or so I can provide feedback of it.

I intend to get some us squads including that one tonight, but I m still on my job…


Much appreciated, from what I tested in range, it behaved like a lil laser that you can reload lighting quick.

If it works that well in the field… I’ll get it too.


I have the armored J, I like to use it now and then. But it’s just a J at the end of the day.
The extra 20mm of added armor is nice against Ap rounds.

As for topic for anyone interested : the G10 premium, is the same feedback I can provide for G14 in berlin.

In my opinion, they are by far the best air 2 air planes to this day, because of the dual 30 mm mk108 canons,

Imo a must have for air 2 air players.

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My problem is with the Premium squads without engineers. You are hurting your team and hurting yourself to play them. Without an engineer these units are a waste of time.


Well at this point having all the Panzer IV Js is like collecting the infinity stones (but instead of unlimited power you get unlimited dissapointment), and yeah pulling the Bf 109s is probably because there are TT versions already available.


Oh boi. Cant wait for people to see they unlock like ten G-6s to get to the ten G-10s.

the unbundled squads are more expensive than ever
please bring back the bundles

They still have bundles on PS5/Xbox so i dunno why did they removed them on PC

Not really random, imagine how German tech tree for example will look like after upcoming update. It really doesn’t need THREE premium B 109Gs etc.