Normandy Axis win rate

Poor Chinese

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have you considered burnout? I play a lot of allies and they feel strong, but sometimes I just get sick of it and have to try something else.

I had a terrible day a few days ago where the Axis wiped the floor with us repeatedly. I didn’t feel as though it was because my side was fundamentally unbalanced but my team was just letting me down. And I don’t mean to sound big-headed but I generally know what I’m doing.

Try changing the campaign they are really different and so it sometimes helps.

Rigth i Play 5 level at time on each

That’s what I was suggesting

It’s all too easy to get burned out playing axis… every new patch has some kind of nerf against us and we lose the vast majority of our games… yesterday I played for 3 hours and only got a single win… only progressed a 10nth through one of my campaign level…

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Now you can play for the Americans?My only game for us ended in a complete failure,we were killed on respawn and not allowed to reach the nearest point.

All I can say is, repeat the campaign with the other faction and see if it’s any different. I have bad days sometimes and curse the day I mained yanks, but later on I have a few good games and forget what I was worrying about. We tend to forget the good games and remember the bad ones, I know I do.

This. This never gets brought up. It adds another element of uncertainty in these kinds of discussions and is likely a cause in some of the divergent anecdotal evidence. (I play EU server btw so your hypothesis checks out.)

We really need official data.

Hopefully they will continue to publish analytics.

I haven’t played the Americans a ton, but from my level 7 standpoint I’ve hardly lost a single game…

A lot of us play multiple factions? Do you have anything constructive to add?


Only people maxed both sides can share their thoughts? Im maxed US and GE, still grinding in moscow though. At least give them some advices to play better.
how about u glorious CBT player?
do sth for ur community

Time zone is the main factor. Or at least that’s my experience.

Normaly when I play (>22h local time) it’s really hard to win as germany and even if you manage to win, it feels like loosing.
image Kind of thing.

One time I played at 13 local time and it was a complitelly different game. “We” were destroying everything that wasn’t wearing feldgrau. It was so different from what I was used to, that I was completely lost and in the first match I didn’t kill anyone.


Which leads me to believe that it’s a population issue more than balancing. Which is why I think they should give a XP bonus to the side that is getting loaded with bots to compensate for a lack of players.


They should give xp multiplier for “join any team” enabled. Something like +50%, maybe it’s too extreme but at least it would work.

If this doesn’t work, then go with your idea.


Something to that effect yeah, to encourage populations to not dogpile on one side. THink it would definitely cut down on the perceived imbalance.

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Germany is now a Punching-Bag no challenge what so ever. everyone is going to the allies side.


I mean I did. I level up much faster and have a better time just playing allies.


Not anymore. Since the last patch all bots usually end the game with only 3-5 deaths. They’re not running to points, just staying somewhere near the spawn and then dying from the gray zone.