Normandy Axis win rate

I was doing my Axis campaign, my US campaign is 30 level already.
Played around 10-15games in these two days.
About 0% win rate. I wish I can win once.
Sometimes in a tough game, I wish someone could carry me,
but no, I am always the top score in Axis side.
I don’t like to blame.
Sometimes, I do think Axis player played really well,
however, the result is still a loss.
About 15games lose streak, how ridiculous.


You really won’t like the Berlin campaign…


In this screen your team are composed by 8 player 4 bot and 1 deserter the other team 10 player

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germany have low ammount of player outside moscow this is sad but is normal the player base is to splitted

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This is consider to be good, a lot of time could be worse.


How do you recognize bots on his screenshot?

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I played US exclusively for 1.5 month after I finished the German campaign. Yesterday and today I wanted to see whats up at the German side. So I played about 20 games with them.
I did not win a lot. I got shouted at a lot though.
I asked for teammates to make a rally point and mark enemies, almost every time I did I got shouted at and told to shut up. I think in 20 games I have seen 2 rally points that where not my own and I can probably count the number of marks on 2 hands. The current German playerbase feels the same as it was day 1 when the game came out of cbt. No one has any idea what they are doing and dont seem to care about winning at all.


The nr 11 and 12 are not bots. They have died 1 time or 2, meaning they purposely stay out of combat. Bots charge in and die. Nr 9/10 could be bots but cant really say with certainty.

Seriusly man you ask this
because they have no points and kills in comparison to the others

Camper wo dont work as camper even worst oh maybe they stuck at spawn

Wow I’m so sorry for asking a question :open_mouth:

And BTW you can’t really tell just with this, some people are just really bad at the game

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I have been shouted at for stealing kills by a dude with 4 kills and 14 deaths. I was the reason he did not get any kills because there was nothing left.

Some people are really really weird in this game and terrible.


No you are able to tell this because enlisted bot dont kill a player even him walk in front of them so in all match no point players are bots or shitty camper

These bot like players always on Axis side.


Ahahah true

:clap: you need a clap and i agree people are strange

I mean I don’t know for other sides but I’ve seen a lot o’ axis side yeah

I have seen people type in chat, I purposely hide and dont do anything because you dont deserve a win. Kept spamming shit in chat. The guy was 0 kills 1 death.

I rather have bots in my team than some of the players I have encountered.

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I keep playing Axis because of two reasons

  1. I haven’t finished the campaign yet (ofc)
  2. Axis is really weak! I want to balance the gameplay in enlisted.

That guy with 4 kills at half of the game, you think he’s a bot, and you see him yelling for ammo in chat

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