Normandy Axis win rate

Try Berlin and you will experience the lowerest win rate in the whole game.


Dont worry after tunisia become even worse german player have to figth 4 front


People always complaining about Axis no clue why. Play with a group and we reliable win at least half of our axis games, usually closer to 70% :man_shrugging:t4:


0% winrate is already lowerest, hahhahahahahahahaha

-1% im here

I play axis because I like their weapons and I wanted to try the mp40 fast :man_shrugging:

I donā€™t have a friend to play with.
And I think winrate shouldnā€™t rely on group gameplay. :sweat_smile:

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Theres a serious bug with Normandy atm with US spawning x2 faster than Germans and Soviets

I wouldnt play Normandy Axis until they Fix this Bug. Im playing Soviets on Moscow while waiting for Berlin stuff


Use this community, start a group chat or something like that. That SHOULD be what the community is for rather than 50 daily posts with repeated complaints.

Same here

He has 3 people rage quit at the start, thats a guaranteed lost tbh. None were bots on the Enemy Team

Never felt like a problem in my experience.

If both teams have equal players the US will win due to this bug. Iā€™ve had countless matches where we could have lost but we won because of this advantage on the US. It does makes levelling US a lot easier though. I only play Axis on Normandy when my friends are up. Otherwise I grind with my other friends on Moscow Russia. Already Maxed on US I stopped playing US for now

It is quite a significant advantage when it comes to Conquest/ Invasion


Against just speaking of my own experience. Iā€™ve never felt like Iā€™m at a distinct disadvantage playing Axis.

It isnā€™t just the player base. I love the Berlin urban setting, itā€™s my favourite map design so far. But things are a bit unequal. I started as GE on a coin flip, and man, how unpleasant the faction is to play! The devs want to emphasize a faction on itā€™s last leg, using jury rigged weaponry made of shower pipesā€¦ against the best Russia has to offer. On paper, cool concept. Gameplay wiseā€¦ Who would willingly want to play GE side? No one, wich explains why the side constantly loses.
Solution? I ditched GE and now only play the easy side, Soviets.
Better small arms (much funnier to play too)
Oh so better tanks (what did the devs think pitting a pz4 against a t34-85? Itā€™s free xp, I exploded 14 pz4 using a single t34. Had no AP left but kept killing anyway)
Ge now have good plane bombā€¦ But since itā€™s a strong thing (maybe a lil TOO strong) it will get nerfed soon Iā€™d bet on it. Plane bombs are annoying.
Lmgs may be a bit better for germany, for now, but Russia will get the rpd eventually and the dp27 makes me feel like Tachanka.

Thing is, there is NO reason whatsoever to play germany in this campaign. Unless masochism is your thing.


What do you mean? I donā€™t see it.

On Berlin, Iā€™m hoping that the devs could swap the Mp40 and MP3008, replace the PzIVJ with a Panther D, and move the soviet first spawn on some of the invasion maps further back so they donā€™t take the first point uncontested so often.

I keep playing germans on Berlin out of a challenge perspective. It gets old, literally never losing when I play soviets. (no, really, my Soviet W/R on Berlin is 100%, lol)


US Spawn Timer in the Game is currently 3 to 5 seconds. Germany and Soviet has a Spawn Time of 10 seconds in all Campaigns. with the exception being the US is bugged

You can test all of these very easily yourself and youā€™ll see it


Pretty much my point: balance or not, playing germany in Berlinā€¦ isnā€™t fun. Thereā€™s no point in PLAYING something that isnā€™t fun, is there? (Maybe challenge, but it gets old fast)

Levelling Soviets is a lot easier, due to German Teams full of Bots atm. Iā€™ll say the Devs should release Berlin ASAP so they can balance it better.

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