Normandy Axis win rate

The new stuff like the downgrade STG44 and the FG42 will help Berlin immensely. the Devs finally listened and stopped adding Old Weapons like the MP35/ Pre War 98k on Level13…


It isn’t a downgrade stg… it’s a SEMI auto rifle (for assaulters!):laughing: because it wasn’t bad enough for them already

It’s just telling me: "Joe, stick to your decision of ditching German side. Because it will get worse. Stalin

Somehow, my own experience is quite different. I can’t speak to the level of coordination of German vs- US players, but in my experience, German teams tend to have more higher level players, judging by their equipment. This says nothing about skill of course, but when I play US, I’m at the top of the leader board more often (that is not a good sign, I’m a mediocre player and I tend to lose such matches).

Agreed. I really don’t think the disparity is actually something the majority of players are feeling, just a vocal minority. Maybe they didn’t give axis enough change, idk. But I find the US weapons lacking and Germany much easier to play. Everything on here is anecdotal of course, and generally people who are not enjoying the game are the ones coming on to vent (which I don’t think is a bad thing, just makes those voices disproportionate). Anyone who’s having fun and finding the game balanced probably isn’t thinking “you know what I should do? Go praise the devs on their forums!!”

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i think its a 50/50 problem 50% of the time your axis teammates don’t know how to hold a couple pillboxes down and the other 50% of the time the mounted guns are all taken out with snipers… i remember when you actually use to get points for taking the MG out, not the guy holding the gun

I don’t think there is anything to do with the DEV,
Maybe the reason causing these things to happen is because people love to play the US side more?
Not blaming the DEV and the players, but I can see there is an unbalance right there.


Without any data this is impossible to say. “More people like X” is entirely subjective. Maybe that’s true but unless the devs release play rates (% on average of human players playing each faction) I think it’s impossible to determine in an objective way that the simple answer is people just like allies better, thus they do better.

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Yes, finally not these outdated dogshits.

the fact that you can take a mounted MG placement out with a single bullet any calibre or even a basic knife is a little unbalanced in the germans favour… shooting a bullet at a gun won’t always destroy it and especially if its a bullet with a lower weight and velocity… like unless your sitting there with a sniper aiming for each and every mounted MG placement i doubt your bullet has enough power to destroy a mounted MG…

Every time I play allies I have to wait to find a match

Every time I play Germans I instantly connect

There’s 100% a lack of players for Germany. They need to add an XP buff to encourage German mains to stay. Because playing germany is ball and wiener torture I pretty much only play allies now. Losing every match is not fun.

As allies I don’t have to do these hard carries to get a win. half the time in conquest I just defend one point as allies. As Germans I have to run all over the place.



He should shoot a gun with a rifle and see if it still works lmao. Also how is this unbalanced in Germany’s favor.

That’s what I mean. I wasn’t clear enough, again.

Meanwhile people keep complaining about “GeRmAnY tOo StRoNg” “ReMoVe X wEaPoN fRoM gErMaNy” GiVe UsA aN aBrAmS:: etc :joy:


…yea… like i get being able to take out a mounted MG with a Sniper or a HE tank shell but you shouldn’t be able to run around with smg’s just knocking out MG placements like their made of plastic… its quite unfair for the german forces right at the beginning during the beach landing…

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So I guess that was a misspell?

nope just a confusing assembly of words that last reply… lol :sweat_smile: that and im due to get some sleep soon lol

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I seem three times more jumbos then I do Stuart’s whenever I play.

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Voice chat it is not fake?