Normandy Axis win rate

easy to race through USA campaign when you win that much.

I lose probably every 5 out of 6 games playing as Germany, progression takes literally forever. Since without premium a loss averages about 2-5k experience.


yup. They need to give both sides the win multiplier if they insist on having a game where one faction is a punching bag for the other.

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Yeah, I realize why they have the win multiplier as an incentive, but when one faction roffolstomps another one all it does is just drastically unbalance the sides progression. Which in effect makes it easier and easier for the other side to continue to win more and more.

Yup it continues to widen the disparity in the factions when one is progressing in a much faster fashion.


I think they will remove t 34 85 to t 34 57

Check tutorial for soviet,tank tutorial have t 34 57

I doubt this a lot.

In Moscow I was playing as the Axis. We were losing at the first sector despite my carrying so I called my team noobs and told them to get on the points. Then our second place teammate SSAdolfHitler starts flaming in the chat for several minutes, with no break between messages, until we lose lol.


lmao Iā€™ve been in a game with that dude.

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I doubt it too. Russian player base would be too upset, as well as those who viscerally hate german side and love easy wins :thinking:. But meh. Still CBT. We will seeā€¦

Againā€¦anecdotal. Never feel like I wait more than a few seconds for either side. Also anecdotal. Win plenty of games as Germany, personally (anecdotal). Unless we get to view the full picture thereā€™s no way we can determine what the ā€œissueā€ is, if one exists at all. Like I said above, my guess is that people had bad experiences with Axis and bailed. But there are some sticking it out and as long as you donā€™t end up with a 1:10 human to bot ratio the game is fine. For example I donā€™t think the group I play with has lost an invasion defending Airfield as Germany in weeks.

calm down dude.

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I mean, I still have a 35% W/R playing as Germans in Berlin, which is more fun to me than a 100% win rate as the soviets, lol. Sure, thereā€™s frustration, but I actually feel accomplished winning as Germans, whereas Soviets itā€™s justā€¦ meh.

Whereas on Normandy, Iā€™ve got about a 60% win rate as Allies, and things seem fairly balanced in general, with a few caveats like the FG42 and Jumbo. I think things would be more even in general across the board if more people would learn to put down rally points.

I think there are some differences between group and solo gameplay.
Yes, I agree it is easier to win with a group, but sadly not everyone plays with a group.
I am wondering the ratio of these two types of player.

I agree to mostly everything you said. Berlin for now doesnā€™t feel fun for be because of the direction the campaign is taking, with upcoming unlocks and all. The most fun I have remains in the Moscow theatre, where I feel things are more or less balanced. Also, I love bolt actions.

Yea Iā€™ve mentioned that itā€™s definitely a factor. But alsoā€¦thereā€™s are a lot of active people here. Why not start a ā€œlooking for gamesā€ Discord or something like that? Give players on both sides a chance to group up and ensure theyā€™re not paired with random mooks or a team of bots. Hop into a chat channel and go to town. :man_shrugging:t4:

Iā€™ve had some really tough times playing Normandy as Allies occasionally. No doubt the US can get some great wins, but sometimes the team coordination just isnā€™t there. Particularly on Assault maps where the team has to push two points at once, or D-Day, where it either goes very well or terribly.

I have to say that as a member of a large gaming clan, most of us enjoy playing US the most for the historical aspect, and we often play in squads of 3 or 4, which makes a big difference. Iā€™m not sure how large the German scene is in clan gameplay, but itā€™s pretty large for us playing US.


The historical aspect? US is probably the most fictional faction as it stands.


Legit. A half dozen or so British weapons and several pieces out of place (at least in Normandy not necessarily completely out of the theatre).