Normandy Axis win rate

I have never seen that, ever.

I see this every damn game since the last patch. Maybe thatā€™s only in berlin, but Iā€™m not sure.

That might be indeed, I dont play Berlin.

I can give you my experience as a player that plays 80% of the time in a 4 man and the rest solo.

With our team we win 90% of matches, team almost always on top 4. This is no matter what nation or campaign we play. Today it was allied on Moscow, 15 games lost 1. We keep spawn up, deal with air and armored, communicate on discord.

When playing solo, you are at the mercy of mouth breathers and braindead zombies etc. I can loose so many games in a row itā€™s not even funny :grimacing::gun:.

It doesnā€™t matter if you get 200 kills and 70 engineer points. A million captures or defensive kills. You simply can not carry garbage players solo, minimum 2 and itā€™s close to 60-80% win. That said Normandy is easier to make a difference solo. A well placed bomb drop can wipe the whole enemy team and lemmings might make it then :rofl:

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my strategy for normandy has changed quite dramatically over the course of my games on it i use to flank like a mofo up the sides then i went for the pillbox behind the 1st point and now iv come to the conclusion that driving a tank up and jamming it right infront of the capture point pillbox to block the view of everyone inside it seems to work the best for allowing my team to advance on it

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costs nothing to spam tanks like this. simply epic my friend. updooted and subscribed.

Honestly, best strategy Iā€™ve found on D-day is taking a sherman, be it of the regular variety or the Extra-American version, taking out any people who got to MGā€™s early with some high explosive, Popping a few others at MG42ā€™s on the flanks for good measure, and then just pushing up to the first cap, blowing away everything inside with high explosive, until my team has either moved up to the point, or Iā€™m out of high explosive.

I think this comes down to the Assault game mode is not balanced. The Defenders have a much harder time than the Attackers do and have to be much more coordinated.

The Axis in Normandy has a lot of maps which are defending this game mode; which, leads to player base problems as itā€™s more challenging/frustrating. I see this when playing too (both sides)ā€¦ The defenders have to work their butts off.

I usually see it the other way around. If attackers are not coordinated, theyā€™ll never win. Defenders can rely on individual skills a lot more and a bit of coordination can go a long way. There is also a number of ways you can stop the attacking team by good use of engineer squad.
Most players, especially in the closed tests complained about assault being extremely difficult for the attacking team. Having played it then, I can tell you itā€™s not easy at all if you donā€™t have a good team. There was not many players are we have in OBT and you simply cannot win it if there is no other competent player who is willing to push the objective. But I had a mostly easy time defending as I can just focus on one cap and deny enemies the chance to win.

Part of the problem with Axis defending is the lack of a larger player base. When you are defending, you need everyone rushing into the point or getting the cheesy kills by camping somewhere. Neither of those happen with Axis. Itā€™s mostly just bots or otherwise, itā€™s snipers. Both are just as useless.

I think you meant ā€œinvasionā€ mode? :thinking: assault mode is the mix between conquest mode and invasion mode, where you must cap two points before unlocking the next one.

I did mean invasion.

When leveling up as US; I felt US teams just needed an active Rally point and people actually to go in the objectives.

Now as leveling up Germans; I feel the rally points are mostly there and the Germans have to work their butt off building all types of fortifications to even have a chance in this mode.

It feels much harder and more challenging on the Defensive side of Invasion to me; which, if itā€™s a map here and there not much of an issue. When a lot of the maps are Invasion Defense it tends to wear on me and I definitely see that playing German.