Normandy Axis win rate

Yeah the Jumbo is an anomaly right now. Germany doesn’t have a direct equivalent. The M4 76 would be a better choice.

And 20mm cannons are def underperforming. I’ve dumped most of my rounds with the P-38 into a Ju-188 or Bf-110 and that’s just about enough to make it crash. I suspect they use a mixed AP/HE belt.

I suggest that all open weapons can be used.

For example,in the Moscow campaign, you can open mp 40, but in the Normandy campaign it is no longer possible.
Having opened the MP 40 in Moscow, it can be used in Normandy.

I again write not on topic,sorry

Or maybe fuse the front give a large campagni how you have to select a faction and play no more split

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Aim 109g6 like this. Doubletap And u will get a direct hitmark that bomb hit the tanks. need a little practice but its the only way now.

I don’t understand why the devs keep the bombers in the game and continue to nerf the ability to destroy them. Since the P51 and BF109 are both completely garbage at doing anything for ground support, and can hardly shoot down the bombers… there’s virtually no reason to bring them…

I just don’t have any words the explain the frustration and stupidity…

No, I hit tanks all the time with the 50 kg bombs, I get hit markers constantly but the bombs simply ricochet off the tanks.

But the Americans did not fight in 41, for example, and this is already a problem

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I flight ju 188 a lot, in my experience, if you have time to aim, focus on one side of their wings,
if you do enough damage to the wing(include one side engine, it will cause them lose balance and won’t be able to fly again.

hit from side will detonate the ammo rack like TNT did.

Yes that’s a good idea. In the heat of battle with the plane trying to dodge me most shots end up going centre mass, but if I was a little more careful I’m sure I’d do more damage.

The thing is that’s exactly what I do, for one the 50kg bombs are harder to aim and hit things. However the only time I’ve ever actually had it destroy the tank is if the bomb lands directly in the tracks. If it hits the side they ricochet, front back top, ricochet. The only spot it will kill the tank is if you directly hit in between the tracks, nowhere else. And well… try aiming that precisely all the time…

The fact that 50kg bombs have the same explosive radius and effect as a 1.5kg explosive pack is stupid.

The usa continue to figth in normandy i suggest only to fuse the campagni progress and unite german and soviet splitted faction so if you select a faction you figth in thath faction historical front example usa on normandy and germany the rest

Maybe it’s worth comparing which time zones and servers do you play in. Europe most probably has a stronger German playerbase whereas US… So 03:00 GMT on an American server should be very different from 21:00 GMT @ Europe. Just a guess.

But in Europe the Moscow campaign is also more for the Russians than for Germans in my experience.


It turns out that in order for the player for America to start playing, they will have to wait until the player for Germany reaches this campaign, or they will, for example, play against Japan?

They are free to play with germany or japan in their historical map same for germany and japan but not with other faction like britan or russia (because are allied)the same is for the other,the campagni progress instead have to being rebelanced for the fusion

And for the Soviet side in the final there will be fights with technically backward Japan?In Manjouria

Yes but for now the game dont have sufficient faction for this sadly

I can’t see any of the data over time so I don’t know for certain. All I know is my personal experience is that axis gameplay is straight up unfun most of the time. It’s easier (for me) to play allies.

Because of how badly aircraft dominate the other two campaigns I pretty much stopped playing them. I only play Berlin now since the urban setting makes it more difficult to wipe out half the server in one bomb run.


I wonder if they make Japan, where the soldiers will look like the Yakuts and Buryats from the Soviet army?))

that would be fun but we should be able to do harakiri and commit war crimes
“pure Japanese style”