Normandy Axis win rate

yep.even puma can flank and one shot ammo rack from beside. but when tanks stay out of battlezone.(airfield and new invasion) kill them at spawn is needed. and axis need some outrange firepower.

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I do agree and this is what I do in games as well.
(If you check the screenshot once again, you will find out there are not many tankers from the US side in this match)
I know destroying vehicles is important, but it is not the only reason that makes a win happens.
It is just a scoreboard screenshot from a game I played before I post on the forum.
There are games that I kill 200+ and 10+ vehicles and still lose.

I do not argue,but 1500 kg of bomb load is not a joke, so perhaps this is an asymmetric balance, the US is taken by tanks,the Germans by planes.

Whatā€™s funny,in Moscow, the Germans are also superior in the air, perhaps it will always beā€¦

Sorry,but this is an English forum and preferably in English.

Thatā€™s right. You can definitely feel that Axisā€™ win rate is very low. Iā€™m using MG FG but nevertheless the game always loses. Still, Gaijin only saw the community and nerfed the Axis infantry guns.

Good luck using the BF109 to kill tanks now that it only has 50kg bombsā€¦

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I still donā€™t understand why there are so many kills?

Quick defeats are a problem of selecting players, not just a certain side.

In Moscow, there are always fast fights,either a defeat in 7-10 minutes, or a victory

In normandy to day us side 4 minute of battle conquest zero german resistence

Yeah Iā€™m not talking about weapons, just the historical context. You know how it is, being brought up on Kellyā€™s Heroes, Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers and all that stuff.

On the topic in general, Iā€™m not sure if having a bad win streak can be counted down to a fundamental imbalance. Sure, there are certain weapons or vehicles that are really strong, but they have to be unlocked and they have to be well-used. The P-47 gets a lot of flak (it is very strong) but Iā€™ve had half my team wiped by a Ju-188 more times than I can count.

According to the idea, if you do it historically, then in the Normandy landings, disabled people should fight against disabled people,what the allies did is a Spanish shame.

In my experience, during defence, first spawn engineer squad with all 6 enginners, building czech hedgehog is most import to stop tank rush. And it cant be destroyed, have model bug that its much bigger than u saw. so its a awesome cover for ur mg squad, block all entry to ur first point. then change to mg squad, build radio, kill yankees. Use cas only when u saw tankers. Though 109G6 get a nerf, but 4x50 can still kill tanks and have much more potential to kill infatry. Wish can help u.

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Ah yes the conquistadores Adventure with bible in the rigth hand and a musket in the other

I wonder if they do it on purpose, or if itā€™s a coincidence.

Funny, since again they nerfed the BF109 which was the only thing other then the stupid JU88 that could take care of themā€¦

Mhhhh what will the truth ever be

The imbalance is not from the game I guess,
it is from the player base? (not sure)
The point is, this thread is not blaming the Dev.
No hatred here. :grin:

The lose streak just showing how axis experience, not much else.

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To be fair Iā€™d take the Bf 109 over the P-51 any day. Itā€™s really not great.

No, I have nothing against the Americans and the Allies, but it is a historical fact that some bombers dropped bombs in the La Manch and flew to the base, or there were also saboteurs who failed and gave away the location of the landing place and time.


is the player base the german are splitted in 3 campagni the dev must recognize the problem

They should have buffed the P51 instead. We have hardly anything we can do against American jumbos. Yes they are slow enough you can kill them with a detonation pack easily, but they never leave the great area, they always sit behind and shoot from afar. The BF109 was literally the only thing you could use to reliably destroy them, and what do they do? Nerf it entirely undeservingly. Now they both underperform since the 20mm cannons on the 109 canā€™t actually shoot anything down.