News on the upcoming major update

As far as I understand it it will be a randomized roll.

The difference is that you’ll be free to choose the perks (within than specific soldier’s perk points) and not wish for the best (as it is right now)

So let’s take riflemen I.
Maximum perk stats is 17-17-17 for this class. But as you know, you can get worse soldier like (14-15-16).

The difference is that you’re going to be able to freely select perks (within the individual soldiers perks cap)

What an empty and useless post.

“Hello, new major update coming (We bet you didn’t know that), it’s going to contain new stuff (We bet you didn’t know that), and we’re not telling you what it is.”

Don’t worry, they’ll give us a single devblog that doesn’t actually show anything like they did with the last “major” update.


I do hope my BF109 G14 Premium in Berlin is fixed in Major update as well as tailgunner galore! :crossed_fingers:

What’s wrong with it?

Go to practice mode, the gunsight is misaligned, too far to the left (not right!) it is pretty much unuseable

I trust you, I just didn’t know there’s any problem with that plane. :// I did not use it for a while.

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This is a really cool photo.

What I was afraid of was that there would be nothing fun in the update except for the mechanism changes. However, it seems like there are many enjoyable things, and I am very happy.

Oh i would love to test that.

To be honest, I believe this server should always exist to allow players to experience the latest testable features and collect their thoughts on this, so that players will have more participation and confidence in the future of the game!

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Considering the screenshot under “NEW METAGAME” features numerous sandbags walls and Czech Hedgehogs, an ammo box, and an AT field gun, I’m REALLY hoping you are bringing the much needed buffs for engineer fortifications and defensive gameplay!


At the same time, when can we make the aircraft’s gunners work properly? I remember Devs once said they would allow players to control them instead of AI.
Furthermore, why cannot the tank’s machine gunner be controlled by AI? The tail mg of the IS series tanks have never been used, and theoretically they should be very helpful in defending against rear sneak attacks.
(We can choose to disable or enable AI gunners at any time, as sometimes you need to approach the enemy quietly)

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New mods digest when


Next announcement be like




-Devblogs are imminent! Stay tuned!-

End of news


They are at least trying to pretend communication with us.

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Well, sort of, but this is kinda blueballing.

The only REAL piece of news we got here, is the plans about test server.

I gave them a like…fully aware it was just “i am announcing we have an announcement…that is all”

Coax it out


I heard the perk system is no longer going to be a random RNG roll, instead you get to actually pick which perk you want and can stack them to a degree. I believe with a point system with perks (like we have now) you can stack vitality, but will not have enough points for other perks. Basically pick your poison.

‘‘and introduce a new unified currency’’ just got me thinking, who asked for that? how was current system any at all intricate, complicated or hard to understand? As in buy new with the silver, upgrade with the bronze, all clear.
1 unified currency i feel is to simplified tbh. I don’t like this having a go at everything, simplified, streamlined.
Isn’t it easier the curreny as it is? when you have soldier separate from gear? I think you can leave shit as is.
Tbh I think you can leave all as is, just merge Tech Trees into a factionwide one, LEAVE THE CAMPAIGNs Alone!
I will keep saying this till you run this game into done.
I hate your intended way to go with WT style progression tree and Battle Rating system. Absolutely HATE IT!
You will ruin the whole concept and premise of game, ruin all immersion and historical context.

‘‘Every campaign in Enlisted is not only about a new battlefield, it also varies in content. Particular details in the environment, as well as weapons, ground vehicles, aircraft and even the uniforms of the soldiers will correspond to the historical reality of the famous battle that it is dedicated to.’’

You loosing focus of what game was about.

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