News on the upcoming major update

separate server ?
does it just like DEV server

My guess, there will be completely different client & you have to download whole game for second time.

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Just like the Heroes and Generals test server

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I can hear russians screaming that Berlin is already unbalanced :joy:


I love that thing…but kills per minute would be so low lol

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Reload is similar to IS-2. It would be fine

Honestly would be a funny asset, especially considering it could be present for multiple factions, e.g. the Ta-DAN for Japan, utilized on a variety of their aircraft with both an expected anti surface and anti air role.

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Lol, this would be a truly enjoyable thing to do. :PP

I wish I was joking

These particular variants are not the same as the shaped charge cluster munitions, as they’re white phosphorus cluster munitions, but I’m not sure that isn’t perhaps the more worrying variant of the two in the context of this game…

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Slow but… GARANTEED :smile:


For Multi National factions such as America which will now incorporate the British, will we be able to choose the nationality of our soldiers? I would not want a bunch of Yankees cosplaying as Brits in my British squads.


Modification tuning when? It’s just an upgrade to stats, shouldn’t be to hard right?

I have a very important question, as I understand, after the progression update, there will not be randomized ability points for soldiers (low/high roll) and soldiers will have a fixed number of points.

  1. Does that mean our current soldiers will be updated to that system?
  2. Will it be implemented it this/some next smaller update or in the main progression update?

Will this test server have the merged campaigns and Battle Rating as well, because those are the real hot debates about the update

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Just glad they are bringing in a test server to help iron out the bugs/issues that will come up before merge.

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Thanks but I need someone from Gaiijin to reply as this doesn’t realy answer my question

Will we get the good old flames back in this update finally?