News for Battle of Stalingrad participants

Can Mericans/teaguys send theirs stuff to soviets, lol? (If their share the same equipment.

I don’t care abotu Tunisia so I really dont know.

Near the end of the post it mentions that all premium squads purchased will also remain with you, so does that mean they too will be removed? If that’s the case, can there at least be a sale for them? Thank you for your time.


Yeah, same with germans, they can send breda to russians, which is best mg with broken stalingrad mg mechanics

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Yeah i was wondering the same thing…because i want the dicker max at some point lol

Dicker max, for maximum dick


Completely understandable, brother.

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No, it’s just a reminder.

Seems all of our grinding goes into almost nothing.
Losing ability to purchase, is just slightly better than losing everything.


Lifetime depression is real.


Again, this only applies to 4 weapons. The rest of the campaign levels will become a part of new German/Soviet trees, available to everyone. But unlike new players who will join the game after Full Access is gone from the store, you have the possibility to keep pre-max versions of weapons and soldiers.

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Gentle reminder that tank is avaiable to everyone as gold order.

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also - best looking tank in game.

Then how on earth will you deal with merging different XP requirement weapons all together?
And why you can’t set those 4 weapons like Warthunder as a dedicated premium/event stuff, which players still can manage and unlock?

Also, I dont think letting German able to use (finite amount of) PPSH, or able to use PzIV G is any kinds of compensate to players.


I think the flamethrower tanks (Pz.II (F), HT-130) will only be available to the people who purchased the Stalingrad full access.

Good news. T-34E"STZ" is the best of all versions of T-34-76.

These statements are mutually exclusive.

Really not
80mm only for transmission protect

Panzer 4G it’s only a panzer f2, same armor in frontal

So…if i’m understanding this right, buy the stalingrad full access pack now or miss out on lend lease tommy guns for the soviets and other stuff that will become exclusive only to people who bought full access before May 12th? And even people who had it won’t be able to buy these guns anymore in the future?
I already own the full access pack but this doesn’t sit right with me. Some people will get screwed over for not buying and grinding stalingrad in time, yet again another “you weren’t here in time, sucks to be you” moment.
I feel like people should be able to unlock these in the future as well, maybe by changing the stalingrad full access pack into a lend lease equipment pass or something like that, maybe even adding more lend lease guns and vehicles in the future while compensating for the removal of benefits in another way, instead of new players missing out on even more stuff because “they weren’t here in time” yet again…
Then there’s the problem of people who don’t own full access but transfered tommy guns from Tunisia, confirmed not to be a bug. Will those people just be locked out of using tommy guns for the soviets now? I’d say they should be able to keep using them and instead you guys could add more lend lease equipment under the new lend lease pass I mentioned, there’s plenty of guns to add and nobody gets screwed over. Not because they didn’t buy or grind stalingrad in time, nor because the devs just changed their mind and made stuff exclusive for full access owners under a time limit.


I agree with this


Really disappointed to see literally nothing compensated.


What do you mean, exactly?