News for Battle of Stalingrad participants

This made me lol. Because the best comedy can be found in truth.

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we are not the ones who claimed that those slots were forever though.

so perhaps a bad invest management on your part.

but the “correct way” would have been to compensate you back with gold, and us let us keep the slots.
( as :fox_face: hinted him self )


Triumphant announcement
“Great news! no less than 4 guns and 2 tanks will become exclusive and no longer available!”

- Backslash ensues -

“Hey, calm down, no big deal! It’s only 4 guns and 2 tanks!”


German ppsh41,soviet thompson,t34,pz4g and what else?

Hey something is better than nothing i spose

Panzer II flame tank alone was worth getting stalingrad (for me at least)

Also stockpiled dozens of weapons and min maxed troops so…at least for me stalingrad has served a purpose.

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We have a saying:
“You can please some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but can’t please all of the people all of the time.”

I feel bad for forum mods on a day like today. This is a legitimate compromise, but, like in all compromises, a lot of people will be unhappy.

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Breda and Mannlicher

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No one says they have to compensate for everything, but:

  1. When buying, it was written - x4 pumping acceleration is given forever.
  2. Slots - they were also bought from me, but at least one slot could be given, and those from whom they were bought could be compensated with gold.
  3. Buying always four star weapons. Why clean it up?
  4. Fighters are always four stars.

I feel cheated.



Oh ye, have bn stocking stuff on Stalingrad since the first devlog.

I recommend the same to everyone.

Also pistols at 1 silver… Humm

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This isn’t even a compromise. This is a blatant attempt to sell more full access packs, with a poor attempt to paint it as a pack owners benefit.

Aside from what will happen to squad slots, XP bonus and the rest,

This is only yet another move to create artificial scarcity of X in order to drive more people to buy X before it’s too late.


A good compromise was return at everyone who purchased stalingrad and pacific access the half of the price in Egold, the actual compromise is a shit


Lol i have like 40 lugers, walthers and mausers…then dozens of everything else (stalingrad stockpile)…may have got carried away

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We’ll discuss about real compromises when we’ll know what will actually happen to the rest of the benefts we paid for.

If they give you as a compromise back half of the price of both full access you come home with 30k Egold and 4 premium squad for 60€

It’s never enough!!!

Get more 40 lugers now!

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Is my guess

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T-34E STZ is available for Gold order for non full-access players.

Same with Thompson M21/28 (box magazine), when unlocked in Tunisia can be sent into Stalingrad.

This not only is further insult to those who bought Stalingrad pack.
It also adds other group of people who get screwed lol, keep digging your grave

So will you delete my progress or did you forgot about feature you implemented - it was confirmed to be not a bug by helpers


It will still be limited to BR, lol. Probably on same BR as mkb42 and thats way superior weapon. So your crying is pretty much just overdramatic.