News for Battle of Stalingrad participants

Different situation I guess. Japan is on its own, but Italy is with Germany.

You can play Tunisia map using Germany. But you can only play Pacific map with Japan.

If those people really interested in Italian stuff, they will go and play anyway.
If we implement a separate Italian tech tree now, how is it different from Tunisia?

Added to the fact that they will take away from us, having paid for it…

well, no.

you just make italy ( ideally ) like japan.

a faction of it’s own.

that it can later be integrated with germany if needed.
or you can. it wouldn’t make a difference.

as, italian forces did fought in russia and ( very little ) normandy.

therefore, it works just like sweden and finland ( or actual italy ) in war thunder.

subnation of it’s own that gets integrated.

but unlike wt, you will play against shared enemy instead of playing double spy.

or so i think.

but, right now, there isn’t much to sustain italy as a nation it self. unless we wanna have it work in progress like wt usually goes initially with a new faction.

sure. war thunder isnt enlisted.
but it’s not like enlisted thinks out of the box
( not an insult. or maybe a little )


Macaroni could also play in stalingrad for example. That’s quite different from tunesia.


Why should if most Italy stuff is early unlocked and everything else is basically German gear and a over nerfed outdated SPG they never used in Tunisia and planes without bombs?

Italy gets better SPGs and planes and more guns is not just a sideshow in a grind show where Germany is the main player again and dont need to play with ABs against Shermans and M3s… not really the same I guess.


And moscow and normandy

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If you use HA, you are gonna use the outdated SPG in Tunisia anyway.

How should they fight t34 with their crappy tank?

Ehm I also said they didnt use the crap SPG in Tunisia so what was that genius counter now, not to mention that it would probably also get actual pen values with HA.


Same as germans with their crapy tanks.

Though I guess there is someone who will yell short barrel pz3 is OP against t34.


the tank destroyer and airplanes are able to destroy t34s

but, i don’t believe the m14 will be tiered the same as a t34 / pz4 / m4 1944.


It’s nothing else than commercial logic, really.

Just like in WT, there is certainly a niche of players that is/will be interested in Italian units and equipment.

Once the Devs will have milked the most out of the most famous and iconic weapons of the major armies, they’ll start adding new trees with the intent of appealing not only the relative niches of fans, but also a portion of “regular” players who want to try a new flavour after playing US-RU-GER to the point of boredom.

Of course, we niche fans hope that happens rather sooner than later.


With a 105mm tank destroyer


Or the semovent 75/43

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105mm is better for enlisted can be used for nuke infantry other than tank

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This is like saying m10 vs panther is fair because m10 can destroy panther.

or yeah, either this:


or this:


or even



isn’t how things goes in enlisted anyway?

fairly sure you aren’t a new newbie.

and can answer for that statement.

The second one is to chad for us :rofl: