News for Battle of Stalingrad participants


because again, people who aren’t interested in german stuff, will not have to grind italian stuff.

and the other way around.

( we will also avoid having italian and germans or americans and british squad mixed together )


I dont get his issue.

If you buy it full access or not is your

2 slots as additional bonus of course. buying extra slots will be much more expensive after the merge than now, because by gaijin logic “1 german slot now is as strong as 5 back then”


Maroccan in pacific


i guess he does have somewhat of a point.

right now, there isnt much italian content of it’s own.

but in the future can be an option.

even though, it will be somewhat like japan.

high end tier japan will be facing medium tier americans.

which… is somewhat unbalanced in the skill aspect. but we’ll see.

they may apply exponential xp factors on latter gear.


It will take time. And proper maps. Ideally, Italian tree should come along one or two new maps (meaning macro areas) set in the Italian campaign.

Currently, with the upcoming “elastic” historical standards, Italy could fight in Tunisia as well as in Moscow. (But still winter uniforms would be needed.)


Honestly? It ebbs and flows. Right now, nobody, because it’s always 3 noob humans against 6 or more elite humans on the British team. Other times it’s the reverse. I think the assets already mostly exist so it should be good bang for buck

Isnt the joke of the new (br) mm people keep praising that this wont happen… as long as there are enough in the pool? But then, Df has their own meta rules I will never get.

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“You get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!”


The problem is how many people are actually interested in Italian stuff?
Italy is way less popular than Germany, in WW2 topic.
You get this illusion of many people will be interested is because you are from Italy.

well, it’s a “loose” and " Loose " situation.

no matter what you do, there isn’t a perfect matchmaker balancer based on anything.

and we had this conversation before around the forum.

so… i guess we’ll be keeping what we are getting for a while.

Anyway this is no proper place to discuss Italian tree.

This is a place to discuss the news in the OP.

And the proper comment is, “MEH!”


And what happens if Italy is less populated? German player swill jump in.




The point is ,is it worth to spend much effort on a separate tree that little people will play?

not really.

i’m not interested nor was interested of one bit. ( i must admit it’s because of the VA and the rather questionable uniforms )

but i would be incetivized to try them ( since i kinda have grinded majority of stuff in others campaigns ) if there would be a tech tree of it’s own.

as, with germany, i’d be more interesting to unlock things related to germany. rather than subnations. that’s why subnations belong to premium. ( or so i think ).

how many would be interested in italian stuff?

roughly somewhat similar to japan. as it’s a thing of it’s own.

with unique weapons and what not.

after all, name me games that allowed you to play as an italian infantry ( that it’s an fps ).

perhaps you can count them on the fingers of one hand.

Well, rn you are predicting it based on Tunisia and its not like Tunisia is just lazy campaign with mostly awful maps, no new gold orders and late copy+paste from Germany and another Germany.
Rly without the Flamer premiums, I wouldnt play this boring Normandy for poors.


Isonzo,forgotten hope 2,bf1 and nothing else… :slightly_frowning_face:

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In other words, are they going to take away all the additional advantages that we had (and for which we have PAID) just like that? I really understand this “company” less and less. In other words, will the extra slots we had and the percentage of experience be lost? Is that what they’re trying to tell us?