News for Battle of Stalingrad participants

Sorry, my bad. I am :clown_face:.
I should have slept for more than 4 hours per day.

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That’s called begging.

Thats not your business.
Can you refund me 30USD? No? Oh you didnt even purchased that.
Stop preventing others to explain their rights.


Like I said. DF isn’t doing anything illegal or violating your rights. Read the EULA. The game is in Beta. The Stalingrad campaign is going away.

If you are going to make an argument you need to make it based on what a is just. Keeping everything is unjust to everyone else who spent way more money for the advantages.

You can be mad if you want to. But very few people who didn’t buy Stalingrad will care. For the record I didn’t buy Stalingrad, but I did buy Pacific. And I’m not keeping all of those bonuses either. But I keep the Premium Squads, and I have the opportunity to stockpile a bunch of troops and weapons that are one star short of being fully enhanced. Which I did, and then moved on. Because, Pacific is going away too and I knew the game was in Beta. And I know how this works.

You don’t have rights on refund. You should read things you are accepting, lol.

This is how my enlisted store currently looks. There’s no bundle to offer since I bought all that are available, lol.
I even own the old ones with bikes or berlin smgs without engies.

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Speaking of wanting money back, lol. Those bikes SUCK. Meh, It got me early access. But still, woof. Maybe they can make it paradroppable. Hey, I think I’m on to something here.


Even with War thunder we can buy 2 slots for small fee of in-game currency but not in Enlisted. World of tanks give slots for free left and right, in-game currency slots are extremely cheap. So i don’t understand why they are so stingy with them. 6 slots should be bare minimum for every single player below that game is barely playable. Premium players should have 8 slots and free additional temporary slots per each premium/event squad/vehicle.

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Yep, I just use them for fun sometimes, completely same case with flamer tanks.

hehe i researched mine, but then payed to lvl it, ie all upgrades, cost me more than if, i just bought the premium outright lol

I just have a Engineer on it, and use to get somewhere quick etc.

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Well. The EA was more trash than the bikes.

Sorry. What is that?

I don’t care much for slots, vehicles or even the exp bonus.

The single most valuable thing out of the Stalingrad and Pacific Packs were the pre-leveled weapons, vehicles and soldiers.

I want my pre-leveled gear.

I understand why they can’t continue this forward as it impacts OTHER campaigns people spent money on. I just bought a shit ton of the pre-levelled stuff before the changes.


Slots kept. Now quit whining.

Early Access though iirc was called a “closed beta”.

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I 100 % agree. People are complaining that they lost 4 times progression speed, but no one will say that he already reached maximum level in Stalingrad long time ago and this 4x XP boost is obsolate.

Same as with the 4 additional slots.

4 additional slots divided by 6 campaigns = only 1 or 2 additional slots

But today Gaijin promised the players to keep 3 additonal slots after the big update.

So - people get even more that they paid off and they are still unhappy.


Kill the game? Is your brain simple enough that only 2 options of keep and dont keep the 4x bonues exist in that little nuts of yours?
I am simply saying that we need proper compensation. Like refund as gold or some special premium squad for all staingrad owners. We all know that 4x bonues cannot exist but DF’s solution is no good either. Take away something from player’s hand without giving back something is the point that everyone is angry.
If giving proper compensation to players for taking their stuffs will kill the game then the game is not worth playing anyway


You have recieved a more than fair compensation at this point.

You can continue to complain, but few will take you seriously.

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Haha if he wants fair, give him his 30 euroes back, take everything back he got while playing it (soldiers, gear, bronze and silver cards and anything bought with them), and then lock his account for the amount of time he played stalingrad.

…sounds fair :stuck_out_tongue:

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So glad the Devs didn’t listen to people like you ruining the game, else the game would have went into the wrong direction and made everything worst for everyone.

Just because you are fine with it, it doesn’t mean its good for everyone

Is it Goodr For Gaijin Reputation if they compensate players? - Yes

Is it Bad if they decide to keep screwing players - Yes

Its obvious. Wake up and dont be a selfish person. think for the whole Enlisted community as a whole