News for Battle of Stalingrad participants

I have put quite a bit of money into this game because i believe in it, and I enjoy it. I do not see a very positive change here and I don’t know why this was even pushed through as a decision. People who have purchased items, no matter what it is but for this point I am referring to the Stalingrad Full Access Bundle, should be compensated for their support. No I don’t mean just money or Gold. Full access owners are losing a lot of the advertised “Full Access” and this current decision is not the way to treat your player base. I hope you guys can figure out another solution that better benefits your supporters. If you cant, it would be tough for me, and others, to really make a good reason to continue supporting the project. Thank you.


This is simply unacceptable. Feels like a waste of money and time.


So how many time have i to grind the MP-717(r) ?
Seven Days or some weeks?

This “you’ve accepted eula so you can’t be mad” approach is rather curious.
Apparently demanding decency is now a crime.

Well, I hope ppl will vote with their wallets at least. Hope but not believe.


You have several more weeks to unlock it, as the post says:


We can let Gaijin face with EU law. Perhaps their eula is rigorous enough?


That EULA looks kinda empty to me.


How about two slots for the poor players?

Will it make Darkflow or gaijin bankrupt?


Agreed, they should, it would help the new f2p players for sure,
I mean 500 points into game they have a new squad, and have to make a choice, do i want a tank, or just plane, with only 3 inf squads, then they get another new squad, and they haven’t even had time, to do the upgrades etc, they always behind.

Just give them 5 slots.

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:smiley: Imagine that you are on the forum and you are tired of people who shares their opinions …. Logic. But I understand of your hobby in trolling

I guess you didn’t catch the point. :man_facepalming: His problem is not in taking down the servers (game) what is really not happening now (definitely will happened in future)…. But because of product, which he bought will be deleted without sufficient compensations from his point of view…. Less trolling more understanding.


Because being annoyed by overdramatic toxic opinions is trolling, nice logic.

I guess everything less than 100k golds isn’t “sufficient compensations”, who cares. His problems are pretty much irrelevant. His 30e are nothing.

There still games going from way back when, keke

Final Fantasy/Everquest/Anarchy Online/Tibia/Runescape/Nexus/CS
could probably add, WT/COD/BF etc and any franchise really :smiley:


They aren’t breaking the law. Read through the EULA. Also the game is clearly advertised as being in Beta and subject to change. The Stalingrad campaign is disappearing. All promises in regards to it end then. They never promised to keep the campaign forever.

I’m mostly happy with the solution. I still think you should get some of the slots (not all) but other than that, it’s fine. You keep the Premium squads. You got the 4X XP and have had the opportunity to unlike most of the Russian Tree at that rate. You unlocked all of those squads. What more do you want? The XP bonus? Ridiculous and a slap to the face of anyone who spent money on Moscow or Berlin.

Also, everyone acting like this will kill the game. I will say it again, the bean counters KNOW that most people who bought the pack won’t quit playing. They also know that most of those who DON’T quit will probably spend money in the future.

So many people do not understand this. You are allowed an opinion. But nobody is obligated to agree with it, like it, or not think you are stupid for having it.

Did I reporter them? Did I something that could prevent them to say theirs opinion? No, I was jsur bitching about how annoying it is. :man_shrugging:
Am I not allowed to do such or what?

lol. Read the second part. I was agreeing with you. I get it though. I am frustrated to and would probably have read my statement wrong too.

Give me 30EUROS and I will immediately shut up.
Wow, you dont even have 30EUROs.