News for Battle of Stalingrad participants

This is a forum where people do not write how nice weather is today outside …

They want to share their frustration with devs. and others with the same opinion. And it’s good because that is a feedback which is needed. For instant: if they would be silence devs. Could think that we don’t care about extra slots which we bought with Stalingrad full access… and do you see ? We will be compensated at least with three of them…


ppl like him bought legit everything and is a mega whale, im too, but at least im not a selfish person who doesnt care about logravity of the game, in the long term if the devs listen to ppl like him it will only harm the game.

and new players wouldnt be interested in joining since the game being anti new players and just screwing up the playerbase constantly.

Yep, because few helpers already told us few months ago this will be most likely thing they’ll do. And so they did. They just didn’t mentioned it when they were informing us about upcoming exclusivity of certain weapons & vehicles. So community started whole shitstorm.

Imagine calling DF greedy scums/thieves/and so on… And then expecting they’ll do anything good for you. This overdramatic toxic mentality is so fkn annoying.


Somewhere it’s logical, wwII was such a mess, weapons and vehicles were on both sides, only the red hammer or cross made difference

I disagree they suck.

Far from sucking.

And want to use them on alot of other maps after the merge


Thank you and your family.

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Bikes? Haha i actually enjoy the bikes. I had a series of games where i was destroying in my bike…so much so that the enemy team kept trying to take my bike thinking it must be awesome. Was really funny.

Match turned into forget the cap! Get the bike!

I have a habbit of liking stuff labled “suck” though…bikes And flame tanks


Exactly the same regarding the flame tonkas

I was playing with @Forlorn_Squad 2 or 3 days ago on stalingrad to a point I m even considering having the flame tanks ready on any lineup just to provide fun.

They amazing. Fun providers.

Yep, both aren’t really good but can be very enjoyable to play. :purple_heart:

They make a false promise and cheat us.What is included in Stalingrad pack and what changes will happen?
Firstly,all experience, received in the battles is multiplied by 4 (accumulates with a premium account, while the speed of receiving soldier and weapons orders does not increase);
————Four times(4×) of the experience for Stalingrad will disappear. I unlocked all of the levels, so I don’t care.

Secondly,3 additional universal squad slots.
————3 slots in the battle of Stalingrad will become the same 3 slots after merging.

Thirdly,the current level of all existing weaponry and soldiers will be upgraded to pre-maximum level;New soldiers and weapons will be pre-maximum level;The price of upgrading the level of soldiers, weapons and vehicles is decreased 4 times;
————They don’t talk about it, and these things disappear into the air,as if they never existed before.

At last,the opportunity of receiving some squads, weapons and vehicles that are available to pack owners only.
————Two advanced tank team will be retained.I unlocked all of the levels and most of them will be retained.

But what disgusts me most is the following one.It is actually easy for them to retain the access to some weapons such as Thompson M21/28 (box magazine) for USSR, MP-717(r) after merging.But they dont do that.The only reason is easy to know.They deliberately do not retain the access to these weapons and make them out of print , thus making more players who have not purchased the package to make purchases.What disgusting it is ! I can’t imagine if there will be purchasing qualifications for avt40 and fg42-II can only be obtained by those who buy “New packs” in the future.After all, "you have owned and enjoyed these weapons for a long time."And we can withdraw your access to purchase weapons.They are trading their trust for income, and if they always do things like this, I will leave. I have every reason to believe that they don’t even really want to compensate us, they’re just afraid of completely angering players and taking the opportunity to earn more.
They even don’t mention the compensation for Pacific packs.
Someone say that people get even more that they paid off and they are still unhappy.I want to say that they have no reason to remove my eligibility to purchase weapons such as Thompson M21/28 (box magazine) for USSR and MP-717(r).But they do this just for earn more.It makes me so angry and I write these down.And let’s look at these compensations?I did not see their sincerity. These are not compensation, Instead, they preserve what can be directly transferred and remove what cannot be directly transferred(or they are too useful).I really enjoy enlisted, but I am also disappointed with their attitude to the pack.I hope the official team of enlisted can see and take it seriously.


Yes . It’s not a matter of experience at all it’s a matter of law.

As I am glad they aren’t listening to you. This is what is called an opinion and those don’t really matter.

ofc not. But as long as it is good for enough it’s good. There is literally no decision they could make that would be good for everyone. And the majority opinion is going to say this is good enough.

Define screwing? If you think this company is pernicious, you’ve clearly never played any other F2P game or anything made by EA. The predatory practices of EA and most F2P games are well established. Gaijin doesn’t do things like that.

The growth of the game and the overall improvement that will come from these changes makes it obvious Gaijin/DF is doing a perfectly acceptable job. And, if you demand more than what you are already getting for your Stalingrad pack you are the one being selfish vis a vis the players that spent money on other things.

Sure, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t overdramatic, toxic, or a troll. To be fair, I don’t think you are toxic, or a troll. But you are DEFINITELY overdramatic.

This is largely correct. But volume of numbers override volume of posts. We can still say you were overdramatic. And to be fair, while I have argued against the complainers I have always acknowledged getting some of the squad slots was fair. So I am glad they made that change.

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It also saves a shit ton of programming and rewards those who play the game more and have the orders to spend now. I can understand your frustration, but, meh. I don’t think most people care.

They cleared it up earlier. The Pacific pack was only ever the 4 Premium squads and getting one star short of full weapons and Marines. Like Stalingrad the one star short will no longer be able to be purchased. So you have to invest now if you want.

Which I’m totally fine with as I own the pack.

Read the EULA and read the details of the pack. Also read all warning statements about it being in Beta. Believe me. Darkflow/Gaijin is fully in compliance with the law.

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Thompson is very bad SMG, while the captured PPSh was limited in real life and so it has to be in the game after all campaigns will be merged. So no reason to cry.

After all it was the players demand to reduce the grind, to make the game easier and faster and the update will do it.

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but then there is apex legends, where its only skins. and made 2 bilion on sales last year . but ye…

But it’s done through random crates, right? So it’s as predatory as any gambling app.

Sure you don’t NEED skins, but they aim it at kids and use loot boxes to get them to waste money.

So, I’m gonna go with far more predatory.

More then fair compensation???
List what compensation we receive right now
keep 3 slots
keep flamtank which no one will buy in future because it will be more expensive.
and what else?
Unlike anything else we paid for these thing with real money
Clearly either you are the rich boy who dont give a fuck about the money u spend, or you are a simp which is paid by DF to say these thing or you are a brain dead who can only think of 2 options in your head

Also access to what will be exclusive and unique weapons for use by Russia and Germany.

The thing you aren’t keeping is the XP bonus. But that was for the Stalingrad campaign. Which won’t exist after the update. Soooo… not sure what you want here.

And yes, I have money. It’s fantastic.

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Will only the Pz.IV G and T-34E STZ become exclusive? What about other tanks such as the StuG III F?