New update

Will do just that

The new update killed all Allied players as they received almost no compensation in high-BR battles and even weakened their abilities


…compensation for what? weakened where? Allies didnt get any nerfs that I can see

Unless you mean Soviets, and they did get “some” good tweaks. The only thing really nerfed/brought into line was one premium squad :thinking:

  • Increased the aiming speed of the Fedorov MG.
  • Increased the recoil compensation of the AVS 36 from 60% to 75%.
  • Added 1x250kg bomb for the P-63A-10 aircraft.
  • Halftrack M3A1 - lowered the front window’s shield to combat position, changed the driver’s view point accordingly.
  • Improved the accuracy of the SKT-40 from 0.28 to 0.05.

Update Hardly “kills” anything…except maybe the odd cruisemissile pilot

This patch is more fixing, bringing into line than buffing/nerfing


because historically the gun did not have the burst

I think he meant that relative to the Germans, western allies have been nerfed since they did not receive any major buffs unlike the Germans. Personally I think it is fine, the balance will not be disturbed, and wehraboos continue to whine just like normal

Even if he meant that, The Allied faction has got a large amount of love this year (Arguably the lions share). Fixing/Bringing another faction(s) into line isnt a nerf/buff, its equalizing/standardising. Which is what they did with Allies this year, Filled the Gaps because they needed it.

  • 37mm cannon was straight out broken (no pen)
  • K4 was the only top tier fighter with no ordnance
  • Germany (FG 42) was the last nation (behind US, recently got T20) left behind in the SF power creep meta when the rest have default full auto
  • FG 42 sniper was sniper without Standard Sniper dispersion

There is still 190 Broken Flight models. These things have been this way for a “long” time

Was hoping the Super Pershing would finally show though

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I believe we are going to see that in the next major update.
I don’t remember if they ever added new stuff for the tech trees in minor updates, but I don’t think so.


I check around yesterday didn’t see anything new in the TT

They already repair BK37 in tested server

Yeah thats what i meant. Its been fixed after being broken for a long time

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This update is to buff Germany, not to fix or add anything.

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The question is, how long will we have to wait after the new BP to get official access to this update?.. I mean geez, you really couldn’t have it ready by the 28th?

updates and BP are not tied together for a long time. also that update could easily drop tomorrow. wouldnt be first time that buggy update is launched live just after testing.

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btw does anyone know what is the new game update? just downloaded some 600-700mb. new BP or is it this minor update?

lol. Since WHEN is Enlisted historical?
(I am writing this while sitting in my Pz.3 N with skirts + desert camo and rolling towards moskow in winter 1941).

Historically the soviets never had the AS-44 in ww2. They tested it and the gun needed adjustments because it handled poor. But not in your historical correct “enlisted” ofc.

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First of all, I am explaining why it happened not why it should happen, so no need to go into full wehraboo mode. Second, the kurz does not impact balance since it is an old old go and hardly used, so why nerf it ? That is the only logical reason why it happened. If you really does not like this explanation, I would like to hear your opinion on why it happened

Can’t see the so called wheraboo mode. Just some decent hints that this game is far from historical.

My opinion why it happened? I have no f*cking idea, to nerf this gun is absolute nonsense! It worked perfectly fine since ~ 1,5 years but NOW they HAVE to change it.

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By going full wehraboo mode I meant that you are refuting with not related emotionally charged non sense. I agree that g43k does not deserve to be nerfed. However, that is probably the reason behind the nerf, whether this is a good reason or a bad one does not influence my point

updates and BP are not tied together for a long time.
Expect the last one, and the one before that, and maybe even the one before that… I can’t remember that far back though.

They usually test these updates weeks before they release them Unless something has changed?