New update

Continuing the discussion from Preliminary patch notes of update (26 August):


Also, the OP didn’t give NEARLY enough credit to the several dozen map changes. Hopefully they are positive, but the map fixes are probably like the #1 thing people have been asking for.

If you haven’t read the patch notes, I highly recommend you do.

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Oh im very excited to play more Rzhev, very nice map that didint get enough rotation


It’s too inaccurate to replace Kurz, only first 1-2 bullets hit while rest just misses most of the time. I really don’t like using that gun.

I see some amazing changes in this patch (some requested by me too):

I just hope that broken dispersion of PPSh-41 box will get fixed next update after this one. And that we will get 2x high capacity MGs for Germany and for a few weapons or vehicles got either downtiered in BR or get buffed (pzwf42, stg45, mkb42, mp43, kiraly, Breda PG (CR), mp18)

Its definitely not as good as peak G43 kurz but it is what it is. I will definitely miss the weapon but on the other hand, I don’t like power creeps.

Hold on - WHAT did they nerf? And why? Couldn’t find it, sorry…
I know this gun is a laser and absolutely OP but lets not forget it is a gold order weapon and only two were archieveble (afaik, I only had the chance to buy two - more possible?). Looking on the massively OP M2 Stinger where also two guns are possible, why did the G43 Kurz need a nerf??! Sad day for sure, this gun was a legend and a one-of-a-kind. Again a gun I can throw away, thx DF.


Burst firing mode is going to be changed to full auto and fire rate will be a disappointing 550 rpm. Just an StG for any soldier basically.

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Really DF? REALLY?

MKb42W: useless, wasted GO
G43 Kurz: useless, wasted GO

Give me my f*cking GO’s back.

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Does it? Huh. Might have to get my hands on one of em then

You should, it’s a fun gun to use.
Offered an insanely fun experience back in Tunisia campaign when it was added.


This is so frustrating. One of the most stupid things I may witness since the merge.


Cool. I’ll just need to grind out proper BR V German lineups. Lol. Just unlocked the ability to get full III’s

You are imagining things.

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it a past thing even now i barely see G43k tbh

like maybe 1/14 match if im being generous (cause im using it and i havent seen anyone else atm)

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Even I don’t bring mine every BR5 Match, they don’t fit into my STG squads, neither into my full FG squads, so I keep them on my second APC together with Stalingrad PPSH, or sometimes my useless gold order MKB 42 W.

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yea anyway i tried it feel pretty decent tbh but i will miss the burst mode

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Not necessarily. You can still have both in the sky since one is an attacker and one is a fighter, but you are 100% correct in terms of performance.

This is irrelevant as it will just prevent people from spawning a plane and crashing it.
The system itself can be bypassed by:

  1. Killing the pilot through the menu while in the plane
  2. Jumping out of the plane and dying (Either through menu or falling to the ground)
  3. successfully landing the lane
  4. (obvious one) getting the plane damaged*


  • Damaging the flaps due to high speed does not count towards plane being damaged
  • Damaging the propeller or landing gear during landing does not count towards plane being damaged

Plane must stay in the air before spawning another

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did you test this? cause if i was programming this i would check if last spawned plane was actually killed by enemy or if it was killed by player. both of those should count as player killing undamaged plane aka suiciding, unless they f the code.

this is not a problem. goal is to prevent cycling suicide planes where you drop the load and die and spawn again in 20 seconds. overall it makes effectiveness of that strategy better by ~20-30 seconds than going to resupply the plane. if someone wants to land the plane he will spend more than 20-30 seconds to just land it and then he will be transported to battlefield as infantry.


you should have posted your observations in official thread