New upcoming premium squad soviet paratrooper squad

Hello comrades!

The new uniforms do look unique and i like them, even if others do not like it.

I took some screenshots in the editor, which shows the new premium squad.

What are your thoughts on this squad?

Screenshot (2297)

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Yes, the uniforms are nice.
But not for paratroopers.


Imagine those boots in Berlin


They can equipp any weapon a player want (PPSh / AS-44 / Fedorov) - which is nice.

But - a premium squad should rather have some unique weapon.


They don’t even look like Paratroopers, and they don’t have a unique weapon.

I know they did it so they could be used anywhere with the new BR system, but to me it seems lazy. Give them a unique weapon and whatever period they’re supposed to fit into

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They would be great as the 172th NVKD Janitor Brigade or something, but they have 0% feel of Paratroopers. They look drab and boring AF.

Except for the boots, which I guess they stole from some hookers.


Im wondered that you like them. They would be nice for a rifle squad or engineer squad or idk.
But the paratrooper squad sold for money looks worse than the alleged event squad. Looks boring and copy+past and do not look like paras at all.

I dont get the new mechanic with swapping the primaries of paras. Was that a thing announced before?
It feels either a lazy way to not research on possible weapons or bait to make newbies buy the squad to get “free” AS-44s.

Because why starting with this features now which should have been a no-brainer from the start? How are you going to address this feature to the old ones or not all all?

Very cool! Prob will skip over myself because I don’t play many Russia stuff and already have lotsa para’s elsewhere.
If they add the German squad too however, with the ability to change weapons then I’ll get it for sure. A German para squad with Kar98’s is what I’d really want. Maybe an automatic for the squad leader.

Was also hoping for a premium rifleman squad for Western allies and Japan but I guess thatll come later.

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To me it just seems lazy and haphazard. I think it’s because the new BR system is practically shaking up their entire bedrock formula so they had to scramble to shove something out

I’ve had ideas on how to overhaul paratroopers such as a box firepower loadout customization, but I accepted for the time being that they are just fancy special squads

I would’ve just preferred them being like all the other Parasquads with a unique weapon. I find fact I’d rather they take a few steps back and just make them like all the other Para squads

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glad someone likes them.

I prefer my paras to be more recognisable as paras. pretty iconic looking.

I think their uniforms just make them look like some average conscripted soldiers in 1942 , brown boots,pants,jacket,ushanka,and honestly looks so similar to normal clothes compared to what you see and think ,oh,that’s a paratrooper,and I want my paratroopers to look like paratroopers.the only real difference I can see from normal clothes is the straw on their boots or whatever that is,here is a picture of some soviet paratroopers

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Kinda hope other para squads will get the ability to use regular weapons as well.
Even if it’s limited to rifleman type weapons. Would love my US para’s to carry M1 Garands instead of the drum Thompson.

Are those guns full of stars?

So the airborne supply kit of a Soviet paratrooper, does the equipment and supplies in it change as that paratrooper’s main weapon BR changes?
For example using 6 Mosin Nagan 1907s(or 6 ppd34) in mosc, is the contents of the supply kit are the same as when the paratroopers were in Berlin using as44s?
to escape the matchmaking mechanism and use content such as Faust, dt-29, avs sniper rifles(or ptrs, dp27, stv38/40 sniper ), in br1~2 match

I think they didn’t specify how low they’d go in br.
Maybe only down to 4 or 3.

“It’s just linear gun that can be changed to any other gun you want.”
“Немного проясню, товарищи. Наборы в ящике десантников менять нельзя. Менять можно только оружие первого слота на аналогичное штурмовое(ПП-Штурмовые винтовки) из ветки прокачки.”
They claim that both 0 and 1 exist? Unless that paratrooper’s main weapon is only assault rifles: fidelov, as44.

Otherwise even if it is allowed to use KBP135 or TOZB, he will be in a 1~2 rank room.
As for separate special restrictions? If they exist, why aren’t they applied to br, partial weapon selling prices, matching mechanisms for special weaponry, touch mines, white phosphorus bombs and different large backpacks. As well as high level infantry.
Instead, what about restricting the event giveaway to just the saber br? Instead of tech tree sabers?
Your thoughts don’t speak for df, please speak with facts, what they have done.
Ideas have to be based on work that already exists.

I really wish they will give the event paratroopers PPSh-45
I think that it would be pretty unique


Having them adjust their BR is interessting but idk if I like it.
Does the box scale with the BR or not?
Will you be able to abuse the box by eqiping BR 1 and bring BR 4 weapons anyway?
It is likely that with more players on the main server that BR 1 will see way less BR 3 squads so you could seal club as much as possible.

Them not coming with anything unique but with techtree weapons is just odd for a premium squad.

It can be 5 para squads (BR 1 to 5) at once if the MM ever reaches the point where each BR will no mix so much (meaning something beeing only BR 4 would matter alot).
Everyone else has to wait for max BR for their paratroopers powerspike while you always have the most optimised BR parasquad available.