New squad class: Medic

So… are we allowed to kill them ? also didn’t they ban video games for using the red cross symbol i just notice this for enlisted

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Oh god.
Please no!

The MP28 is a bad smg and I bet a quarter of the reason that axis teams often lack players in campaigns. Will it at least be a version with an extended magazine giving us 32 rounds?

Lmao yes of course we will be able to, but it’s not actually a red cross if you look closely, same for the backpack of the sovie soldier (fr om which the only official complain we could possibly have would be from Switzerland lol)

Lol the correclation betwwen the small mag size of the MP28 and a supposed lack of players in Axis campaigns is dubious to say the least.

I’m not sure on the screenshot if it’s a 20 or 32 round mag, but I wouls say 20.
But don’t worry, if it’s added in the new campagn, it would be a starting SMG before unlocking the MP34(o), MP38 and MP40 (not to mention that if it’s Stalingrad, Ialian and Romanian troops were also present, so maybe even more SMGs).

Technically by finishing downed enemies or running over them (wounded or not) with a tank we are already commiting war crimes :’)

I guess we have to buy the medic class to enter the test phase?


And I for one can’t be more exited for another copy paste campaign.


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latvians used the arsenal m23 smg which is basically a version of the mp18 and romanians used the orita m1941 which is just like an mp40 in design. and to top it all these smg didnt see service at these times.

First to say: I’m really looking forward to the upgrade. I’m no passenger of the hype train but personally i don’t get the actual point of many complaints lacking -any- factual basis regarding the new campaign. (Don’t get me wrong here - i consider critic7 negative feedback relying on facts in a constructive way as very important. I just don’t see any sense in "Muh it’ll be Stalingrad and it’ll suck’ postings. )

The medics: This class could be a good start to to leave the “fire&forget soldier” meta, offering a higher value to each squad member. We’ll see.

It’s been brought to my attention when I made a topic concerning the MP28 that the 32r mag version exists as an old, no longer availible premium weapon. So probably no.
I’d at least like to see an accuracy and rof increase to match it’s real life performance and make it be more in line with the lanchester (it’s direct copy).
A fire-selector would also be nice for authenticity.

This is an important point. Doctors receive PP - that’s right. But there won’t be many stormtrooper squads in the new campaign. Medics will be available to you already at level 3, but they do not complement the attack aircraft, but replace one of the squads. Therefore, do not worry that the new campaign will become a battlefield for automatic weapons.

Plus we have VERY GOOD NEWS for the bolt action guys.




Okay,you have my interest here. Looking forward to those news.

But you say that there will not be many Assaulter squads in the new campaign - will other campaigns get some rest from automatics spam too? Maybe some system that will not allow you bring the same squad types one after the other?

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Maybe,Doc replace one of the assaulter squad :thinking:

yea i had the same trail of thought regarding that too.

I was kind of hoping they would add new stuff into the axis on the Moscow campaign epically small arms like the ZK-383 at the same level the Russians get the drum magazine ppd.

Wish they had flushed out existing campaigns with content and fixed bugs instead of adding another campaign.

This medic squad will replace the first assaulter squad in the new campaign (lvl3).


I love this.




Oh, thanks for clarification.

Keofox’s automatic translation didn’t make that clear.

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