New squad class: Medic

The bot play objective dont compare them with player :wink:

You can tell a player from an AI in about 30 seconds by looking at them on the scoreboard

I have one question: Why the MP28 again?


For my part, I could tell they were human because I saw them using tanks, my rally points and things like that, but despite that, they had 10 kills max.

Iā€™m not talking about kills or behavior, there is a definite way to tell players from AI via the scoreboard.

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My thought exactly.
Even though it says they wouldnā€™t be as efficient as Assaulters (probably meaning they will have 13 points max in Weapon Handling to prevent them to get any recoil reduction perks), Medics with SMG sounds silly to me, but would be a good idea for a Squad Leader class.
The SL would be able to use SMGs but wonā€™t have access to recoil reduction perks, and if an Engineer is in the squad, he would have access to the building weel, same case if there is a Medic.
This would be a nice addition I think (probably because spending so much time each game building stuff on my own for my team is sometimes annoying).

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I thought the same, but from time to time they started to talk in the chat, so I think people tend to underestimate of terrible actual players can be in this game.
And the fact that those people are way less likely to be active on the forum or even the subreddit tend to give additionnal confirmation bias.

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new maps today?

stalingrad lol

will we have to pay to play the new campaign in early access ?

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obvious :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

I wish it would beā€¦

At best it will just not be useful and look ridiculous.

It is not likely that in fast paced combat we have the ā€œmedicā€ class will make sense or will work better than shovels.

Alsoā€¦ niceā€¦ another legit full auto member. At this point, we wont need to bother with restricting SF rifles, because we might as well create full auto squad just by using legit different classes that are ā€œtrained to use full autoā€

Look, I would understand if medic could use standard trooper weaponry, or carry only pistol that is.
But SMG? Really? CanĀ“t we just give them LMGs as well and be done with it, since potential damage is already there?

As result we will have ā€œmedicā€ that will actually be unofficial additional assaulter.


they arent sure if they are going to add medics to all classes or make them like flametrooper or mortar squads that are exclusives to their squads. But i feel that if medics are going to carry smg instead of rifles like any other class, they are going to make certain squads a bit broken. in example, an assaulter squad with one medic in could get 5 soldiers with an smg. that is if the slot they use is the one for the AT gunner/sniper, if they use the engineer/radio opertators slot you can have up to 6 soldiers with automatic weaponry. this also can happen to several squads that already have a lot of automatic fire power. In a game where the only objective is to constantly push on a cap point i think people are going to use this class more as a side assaulter than anything else.


The medical box wonā€™t quite keep a German soldier from freezing to death.

idk, for Tunisia update, they introduce them about 1 month before OBT and CBT one week before OBT. And itā€™s 10 days from update and still no news, so possibly thereā€™s no CBT (?)

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Regarding infantry weapons itā€™s probably going to be a mix between Berlin and Moscow (especially for the Allies, for the Axis giving that Italian and Romanian troops were also present we may have some new stuff).

The big changes will be on the tank side of things :
T-34s, KVs, SU-76, ZIS-30 for the Soviets.
StuG IIIs, Pz IV F2 and Gs, maybe even halftracks, who knows ?

For planes Iā€™m not knowledgable enough on the subject to give a confident answer.

but it is just a game, so:

uhhhh that got me excited, but yeah Tunisia got motorcycles, why not halftracks for Stalingrad?


Next week


Giving them the ability to use SMGs s not a good idea imo :

  • Even if they ā€œare not as efficient as professional Assaultersā€ (wich probably mean they will have 13 skill points max in Weapon Handling to prevent access to recoil reduction perks), some SMGs are still quite efficient even at medium range without them, I donā€™t even want to think about late war campaigns if this is added to other ones (or the MP43/1 and other StG44 variants need to be exclusive to Assaulters, because potentially having at least one Assault Rifle per squad is going to be a mess).

  • Historically speaking medics were not the priority regarding the distribution of SMGs in any army, to say the least.
    They would have had access to a handgun and a standard rifle, maybe a M1 Carbine for the US, but not much more.
    Exept in the Red Army from 1943 onward, SMGs were still reserved to specific soldiers until the end of the war, and even after actually.